Saturday, 24 September 2016

Rosemary Herb Benefits Health in Many Ways

Rosemary is a powerful herbal remedy that is currently used for headache, indigestion & depression (in addition to its adding flavor to many dishes). However, it also has many other uses as outlined below.
Using rosemary as an herbal remedy
Asthma may be relieved by rosemary's volatile oil which can open air passages narrowed by histamine.
Another important benefit of this herb includes preventing food spoilage as the commercial products BHA & BHT. Simply fold crushed rosemary into meat, fish, pasta & potato salads. Of course, rosemary also enhances the flavor of the foods it is mixed into.
You can also use rosemary for body odor that is caused by bacteria or fungus. Simply mix ground rosemary into bath powder and use normally. You can also use the leaves to make tea or as a bath wash.
Rosemary's health effects include its action against infectious bacteria. This also extends to its inhibiting infections from minor cuts. Simply press fresh leaves onto cut before washing & treating.
While modern herbalists do not generally recommend rosemary for memory problems like ancient people did, there might still be a role for it in cognitive problems. As a tea or shampoo, rosemary contains certain compounds that may help inhibit Alzheimer's . Drink lots of rosemary tea & use shampoos containing its essence.
Rosemary also improves hair quality & may delay baldness. Give it a shot. At worse you'll come out with very clean hair.
Rosemary has generally stimulative properties so it may be a good natural treatment for fatigue. Drink several cups of rosemary tea a day or look for candles that contain rosemary oil.
Scabies is a disturbing condition where mites house themselves under the skin & lay its eggs. This causes infections & lesions. What rosemary does for sufferers is minimizing pain of scabies by dabbing cooled tea onto affected areas.

Its antispasmodic effects enable it to relax smooth muscle tissue so rosemary is quite good for digestive problems.
Rosemary can also help relieve congestion brought on by colds & flu.
Rosemary also contains powerful antioxidants which may help in preventing cancer, heart disease & premature aging.
Its antioxidant effects may also help arthritis sufferers especially before disease worsens.
Moreover, its antioxidant properties also suggest it may be effective against cataract formation. Drink lots of rosemary tea for that purpose.
If I've lost your attention, how about this? Rosemary is being studies for its ability to prevent & treat wrinkles by Japanese researchers. Drink some rosemary tea & use its essence in facial masks.
How to use rosemary to improve health
For congestion, make an herbal tea with crushed rosemary. Use 1 tsp per cup of hot water, steep for 10 minutes, strain & enjoy a few cups a day. You can also inhale steam from tea to breath in rosemary?s healthful properties.
As a bath, add 10 drops to warm water.
As a tincture, use 1/2 - 1 1/2 tsp, 2 - 3x daily.
For commercial preparations, follow manufacturer?s directions.
You can offer diluted rosemary tea to children under 2 years of age.
Finally, use rosemary liberally, to taste, in meats & potatoes.
Cautions when using rosemary
Rosemary is very safe to take for most people.
However, even small amounts of rosemary oil may cause irritation of the stomach, kidneys & intestines. Larger doses may be poisonous.
Never ingest more than a drop of concentrated rosemary oil.
Salvator Giustra is an educator and health researcher. With a little help from my friends I am the creator of Healthy World Online, Inc. which includes several websites including:
I am currently a NYC Teaching Fellow, health researcher & computer scientist.
Previously, I was a clinical psychotherapist, psychological evaluator, taught at the College of New Rochelle for many years & spent a few years directing a busy psychiatric clinic in New York, produced a newspaper - jobs that I often held concurrently.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Is a Vegetarian Diet For Diabetes Likely to Improve My Blood Sugar Readings?

If you are a diabetic sufferer, and you'll do whatever it takes to help control your type 2 diabetes diet, then have you given any thought to changing to a vegetarian diet for diabetes? In many cases a vegetarian diet may be a healthy way to keep your blood glucose levels consistent - providing you eat lean high-quality proteins and are following other rules about eating diabetic foods.
Most vegans (who not only wont eat meat, but also wont eat any animal or dairy products at all including milk, cheese and eggs) and vegetarians (who wont eat meat, but will still eat cheeses, milk, and possibly even eggs) eat a larger amount of fruits and vegetables in a day than a non-vegetarian and consequently they have a higher fiber intake as well.
The increased amount of fiber in a vegetarian type 2 diabetes diet can help blood sugars because it slows down the process of carbohydrate digestion. Also people who eat as vegetarians also consume much less cholesterol containing foods, which can help prevent cardiovascular disease including heart attacks and strokes, although realistically, most cholesterol is produced in the body as opposed to consumed from the foods we eat

If you are diabetic and are considering a switch to a vegetarian or vegan style diabetic foods diet, then some of the benefits you should expect include bigger weight loss and better blood sugar readings. This will depend though on the types of vegetarian foods you eat as some vegetarian meals can be just as calorific as those that contain meat.
Speak to a qualified dietician before making the switch to a vegetarian diet for diabetes. You need information on how to best transition yourself to your new diabetic foods diet, so that it doesn't become too much of a drastic, and sudden change. You should also get a list of meat alternatives to eat so that you get enough protein in a day. Foods such as seeds, tofu, nuts, and eggs (if you're not vegan) can all help you with your protein intake..
As with any change in eating habits, a type 2 diabetes diet will take a little time to become accustomed to, and you should allow your body some time to adjust. There are a wide variety of appetizing recipes and ideas for vegan and vegetarian dishes and you should find this provides a lot of variety and flexibility in the meals that you prepare. As always though, you should check your blood sugars regularly to make sure your blood glucose levels remain consistently stable during the change.
Maintaining a good type 2 diabetes diet for diabetes is essential to minimize the damage high blood sugar can do to your body. It's not rocket science, but from the time become diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, it becomes important to take a concerted and focussed awareness of eating diabetic foods. Having type 2 diabetes is definitely a life changing disease, but it needn't be a life sentence, because it really does provide the opportunity for you to start living a healthy, fulfilling life. If you want to get on top of your type 2 diabetes naturally, there are natural ways to control and normalize your blood sugar levels that definitely work. To find out how this can help you to control your pre diabetes, or type 2 diabetes condition, go to Type 2 Diabetes Control

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

3 Vital Facts About the Importance of Drinking Water
By Gerry Deligencia

If you are a person who is living an active and fast-paced lifestyle, or a regular guy just going about your daily routine, you probably know that you need to drink a lot of fluids in order to keep you healthy, hydrated, and a sustained energy level with a lot more to spare for some "extra" activities after work and/or play. When it comes to hydration, there is no better drink than the good, old, crystal clear water. But did you know that hydration is not the only benefit or function that water provides to your body? Here are at least 3 very vital facts about the importance of drinking water that you should know. This should be enough to encourage you to drink plenty of water daily, if you haven't already.
• Daytime fatigue slows down metabolism by as much as 3% and is primarily caused by dehydration.
• Mental focus, concentration, and physical performance is affected and impaired even with just a 1% - 2% drop in body water.
• Colas, coffees, teas, and other such beverages that contain caffeine actually stimulate fluid loss and even promote dehydration.
• The body needs a regular dose of electrolytes or minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chloride, and all these can be found in water.
• Peak physical performance can be achieved by quickly replenishing lost electrolytes.
• Vital electrolytes, which are critical for nerve impulses and muscle contractions, is constantly lost from exercise and prolonged physical activity.

pH Balance
• Diseases and illnesses cannot survive in an alkaline environment, but will thrive in a highly acidic environment.
• A single point drop in the pH scale generally means "10 times more acidity". A beverage with a pH reading of "2" for example, is therefore, around 100,000 times more acidic than a beverage with a "7" pH reading (such as water).
• "Alkalinity" is synonymous with oxygen, and having enough oxygen generally translates to good health.
It is obvious with these facts that drinking water cannot be taken for granted, and neither can there be any substitute for it. The importance of drinking water is just too vital to your well being and general health to be overlooked.
Now that you know these very important facts about drinking water, the next time you are thirsty or feel the need for a drink, hopefully you will make the right decision in deciding which type of drink to choose. Have a tall glass of your cold, good old water from your refrigerator instead. Isn't that refreshing!
Gerry Deligencia is a BS Accountancy graduate and has been writing and researching on various health topics and issues for more than 10 years. He is especially interested in the importance and benefits of drinking appropriate amounts of water for optimum health, and does extensive research on information about drinking water supplements and alternatives []. Visit this site [] for more information on how you can transform your drinking water.

Monday, 5 September 2016

High Alkaline Food Diet Is A Miracle On The Body
By Will Johnson  

The human body maintains a slightly alkaline body ph of 7.4. When this ph is tilted towards the acidic side it spells danger. Not only does rapid degeneration of cells begins but we are also susceptible to varied illnesses. Consuming food that is high in alkaline content can do wonder for out body. High alkaline food restores the ph balance to its normal level of 7.4 and rejuvenates the body.
High alkaline food is the answer to all our problems. Those suffering some depressions or fatigue find they can rid themselves of it by eating food with high alkaline content. High alkaline food leaves a high alkaline ash causing the blood cells to carry out their functions optimally. When the brain can draw all the energy it needs from the blood cells one is less likely to be prone to depression. Similarly we can be rid of fatigue by consuming food with an alkaline ph. Not only this, food with high alkaline content also helps prevent as well as cure cancer, arthritis, coronary diseases and many other serious chronic problems. Out body ph must by balanced at its natural level for out body to function well. Cell degeneration is also prevented by high alkaline food, so we are able to live for a longer period of time. Societies where the average life span is high are found to be eating high alkaline food amongst other things.

Vegetables and fruits are foods that are alkaline. The greener the vegetables and the sweeter fruits are highly alkaline food. But this does not mean that only green vegetables are alkaline. Eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes with their peels are all alkaline foods. The sour tasting acidic nature's lemon is also high in alkaline content. Lemon though acidic in nature when digested leaves an alkalizing effect on the body. Almonds, honey, herbal teas are some more forms of highly alkaline food. Olive oil also has a high alkaline content. Olive oil has a tremendous alkaline affect on the body and it helps to cook all of ones meal in it. Using it on the hair and body directly is also considered to be good. There are certain foods that one must watch for when consuming them. Raw spinach is a food that is alkaline, but cooked spinach becomes acidic. Similarly peeled potatoes are acidifying food while potatoes with their peels on are alkaline. Therefore it is essential that ones knows exactly what form the food is best consumed in so as to gain maximum benefit from it.
Alkaline water is also a food that is alkaline. Our body needs a minimum of 6 to 8 glasses of water to keep or system clean. If this water is alkaline water then it serves a dual purpose of not only cleansing our body system of toxics but also having an alkalizing affect on it.
Food that is alkaline works like a miracle on the body. Not only does one regain lost vigour and vitality but diseases can be cured with consumption of food that is alkaline.
Discover How Alkaline Foods Work and Why A High Alkaline Foods Diet Is Highly Recommended for your Health, including Free Alkaline Diet Food Chart & Alkaline Recipes.