How Sugary Drinks Affect
Childhood Obesity
By Becki
Childhood obesity is a
condition that is starting to affect more and more children. Currently,
children as young as 6-11 are about 20% likely to be obese. Thirty years ago,
this number was down to 5%. That means that the childhood obesity rate has more
than tripled in just 30 years! Many are concerned that this number will
continue to increase in the coming years.
There is some debate
over what exactly is the cause for the increase in childhood obesity. Some
claim that it is due to kids watching more television and playing video games
and spending less time being physically active. Others point to the fast food
industry and how children are beginning to crave these foods more than
healthier options. Others state that a large number of the advertisements kids
see are for sugary and salty foods, which make them desire them more.
Truthfully, there is
no one reason why childhood obesity is on the rise. It is a combination of all
of the factors mentioned above as well as many others. And though each of these
factors play a large part in the increase in childhood obesity, many experts
point to sugary drinks as one of the primary culprits.
Sugary drinks like
soft drinks and sweetened juices are heavily advertised to children. Television
commercials often promote these drinks in such a way that kids start to crave
them. They then ask their parents for these drinks. Parents often have
difficulty saying no because the sugary drinks are always the most prominent in
grocery stores, and good alternatives are difficult to find.
Another major problem
is that the sugary drinks are much cheaper than the alternatives. Go to any
store nowadays and it is rare to see even a bottle of water that is less
expensive than an equally sized soft drink. In order to save money and make
their kids happy, parents will often buy the sugary drinks.
The problem with this
is that these drinks do not quench thirst, they produce it. The sweetness in
drinks make kids want them even more. They can also make kids want to eat
equally sugary foods. These cravings lead to an unhealthy lifestyle which can
cause obesity.
In order to prevent
your kids from falling into this behavior, try to find other drink alternatives
for them. Look for drinks that state "100% juice" because then you
know that they are made from natural ingredients. However, even if you choose
these drinks, it is important to regulate how much is consumed. Natural sugars
are preferred over artificial ones, but they can still have similar adverse
health effects if over consumed.
It is fine for kids to
drink sugary drinks, but make sure they are also drinking other things. Couple
their drinks with healthy foods that are rich in nutrients. Be sure to
encourage your kids to by active and physical so that they burn off the
calories they eat. Following some of these tips will help to prevent your
children from suffering the consequences of obesity.
eating habits are very effective in improving the overall
health of you and your family. Learn how to easily implement a healthier
lifestyle by visiting my website at
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