Vitamin B12 Benefits for Life!
Vitamin B12 is probably best known for its
numerous health benefits, particularly providing increased energy. Vitamin B12
is necessary for converting stored carbohydrates into glucose which produces
energy and leads to a decrease in fatigue and lethargy in the body. B12′s ability to instantly boost energy levels is by far the most
common and most powerful benefit of taking vitamin B12 supplements. The
recommended therapeutic amount is 1000 micrograms a day. Another one of the
best known benefits of vitamin B12 is that it has been shown to increase energy
thus helping promote weight loss.
Vitamin B12 is essential for the healthy
development of red blood cells in the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency can
ultimately result in a blood disorder known as anemia which can cause permanent
and severe nerve and brain damage. One recent study showed that as many as 40%
of adults suffered from some form of Vitamin B12 deficiency. High vitamin B12
level in elderly people has also been shown to protect against brain atrophy or
shrinkage, associated with Alzheimer's disease and impaired cognitive function.
Aside from maintaining healthy red blood cells
and nervous system, vitamin B12 is needed in order for our bodies to absorb
folic acid (also known as vitamin B9) which helps release energy. Vitamin B12
normally plays a significant role in the metabolism of every cell of the body
allowing for energy production which is why taking vitamin B12 for energy is so
People especially at risk for Vitamin B12
Deficiency include older adults with a condition known as Atrophic Gastritis.
This condition affects 30-50% of adults over age 50 and impairs their ability
to absorb vitamin B12 from natural foods. Vitamin B12 supplements are
recommended for people in this group. People with Pernicious Anemia are also at
high risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency because this is a condition where the
intestines can't produce the enzyme that allows for vitamin B12 absorption.
Pernicious Anemia only affects 1-2% of adults and can only be treated with
vitamin B12 injections or shots.
Vegans and Vegetarians are the other big group
at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency because vitamin B12 is naturally found in
animal products. As a result vegans are especially at risk of not getting
enough vitamin B12 in their diet. There are some natural vegetarian foods high
in vitamin b12 but vitamin B12 supplements could make sense for this group.
Aside from people who have actual Vitamin B12
deficiencies, there are a number of known Vitamin B12 benefits for healthy
adults that takemore than the minimum daily value of Vitamin
B12. Everyone knows that B12 is a great energy booster. Margaret Thatcher had
injections of B12 to sustain her famously high energy levels.She apparently
found the injections so useful that she had one on the morning she told her
cabinet she was going to resign. While on tour, Madonna required Justin
Timberlake to start taking Vitamin B12 shots after he started complaining about
low energy levels. It works by enabling your red blood cells to carry oxygen
more efficiently. This leads to improved cognitive ability, more energy,
healthier skin. A well oxygenated cell is one that won't tire quickly.
For those reasons, Vitamin B12 is probably the
most underestimated vitamin available to us. Combined with the fact that 40% of
otherwise healthy adults have some levels of vitamin B12 deficiency and we have
a compelling reason to start thinking about a regular supplement to ensure
we're ready to live our fullest life.
For years I suffered from chronic fatigue
syndrome and went to the doctor expecting something to be really wrong with me.
I was amazed when she prescribed a vitamin B12 injection and even more amazed
after how it made me feel. [] is a free
resource for anyone seeking more info on Vitamin B12 benefits
[], Vitamin B12
supplements and which ones are best.
Article Source:
10 foods containing
vitamin B12
g: gram
μg: microgram
Beef liver
85 g >>18μg
85 g >> 7.6 μg
85g >> 1.5 μg
85g>> 2.5 μg
42.5 g>> 1.4 μg
Cottage cheese
40g >>1.4 μg
85g >> 2.07 μg
150g >> 1.1 μg
1 egg >> 0.40 μg
85g >> 1.1 μg
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