Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Cause Weight Loss   

by Morgan Mason

The Creation of Apple Cider Vinegar
To understand how apple vinegar is created, it is helpful to understand how all vinegar is created. Vinegar is a by product of fermentation. Fermentation is a process by which the sugars in foods (oftentimes fruits are used to make vinegar) are broken down by bacteria and yeast. During the first stage of the fermentation process, those sugars become alcohol. As the alcohol is allowed to ferment further, it eventually becomes vinegar.

Can Apple Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?
The belief that this cider vinegar assists with weight loss started in the 1950s when D.C. Jarvis published this belief in his book, Folk Medicine. This weight loss fad has taken legs again recently as some companies have begun to sell the product as a dietary supplement. However, drinking apple cider vinegar does not seem to directly cause individuals to lose weight. If you take the concoction as recommended by its proponents (which is right before meals), it may result in you feeling a bit fuller faster or having a decrease in appetite. It is the reduction in the intake of calories that is causing any resulting weight loss in those who choose to drink apple cider vinegar for weight loss.
Experts Weigh In On Using Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss
Medical and nutrition experts indicate that the claim that vinegar can be used to lose weight is not supported by scientific evidence. The two schools of thought for using vinegar to lose weight are that (1) apple cider vinegar will cause reduced hunger and food cravings; or (2) it will somehow trick your metabolism into burning fat faster that it would under normal conditions without the apple cider vinegar. According to the experts, neither of these theories is accurate.
The consensus is that this product does not cause weight loss. You will be better off saving your money and just reduce your caloric intake on your own.

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