Different diets
Mediterranean diet
Raw food diet
Paleo diet
GI diet
How much?
Benedict formula
Importance of exercises
Different diets
The Mediterranean
diet is encouraged by the traditional dietary patterns of Greece, Southern
Italy, and Spain. This diet include proportionally high consumption
of olive oil, legumes, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, quite high consumption of
fish, reasonable consumption of cheese and yogurt, moderate wine consumption,
and low consumption of meat and meat products.
Paleo diet –caveman diet
diet is mainly based on foods presumed to be available to Paleolithic humans.
It is the nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay
lean, strong and energetic.
The diet regime of eating foods in its natural state, uncooked fruits,
vegetables, nuts and seeds raw or heated at highest 480C called raw food diet.
They make most effective use of enzymes helping the digestion.
Cooking, high temperature denatures enzyme. Boost metabolism. raw food
has no or much smaller amount of toxins, so less energy of the body needed to
get rid of toxins more energy goes into feeding every cells. Reinforces immune
system.The vegan diet excludes
all animal products, including eggs, dairy, beeswax and honey. The more
restrictive the diet is, the greater challenge to get the all the nutrients
that a healthy body requires. The
healthy diet requires thorough planning and a well-designed food pyramid is
important before the diet has been started. The vegetarian diet excludes meat; flesh of any animals. Lacto –vegetarian diet
excludes meat and dairy products but allows eggs. Ovo-vegetarian diet
excludes meat and eggs but allows dairy products. Ovo –lacto vegetarian diet
excludes meat and dairy products and eggs. GI diet; Bad carbohydrates with high GI index such as sucrose
digested quickly creating a sudden increase in blood sugar. The diet eliminates
these types of carbohydrates. Good carbohydrates with low GI are digested
slowly the unprocessed vegetables, beans and whole grains contain them.