Friday 25 March 2016

Benefits of Hemp Seed for Burning Fat Naturally!

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of hemp seed, how to best prepare it and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from hemp seed - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.
Hemp seeds, nuts, oil And powder are vital for a fat-burning diet.
Many people have gravitated toward using hemp powder, oil, nuts, and seeds lately. You can find these products in supermarkets and health food stores because they are good for you.
Hemp - what is it and where does it come from? Hemp comes from the nut of the same name and it contains mostly oil.
Body builders and athletes like organic hemp powder because it contains a lot of good, muscle building protein.
Products made from hemp are green because of the high amount of chlorophyll it contains. Hemp seeds have a rich nutty flavor that gives them a delicious taste. Some people say hemp seeds taste like a combination of cashews and pine nuts.
Hemp seed is among those seeds with the lowest levels of saturated fats. Hemp in every form (powder, oil, nuts, seeds) is incredibly nutritious. It is a complete protein, chock full of essential oils in just the right combination for human consumption. Roughly sixty-five percent of the protein found in hemp seed can be digested by the body in raw form. Therefore, you can put hemp seeds in salads without the need to cook them. Hemp is wonderful to use in cooking (oil).
The chlorophyll found in hemp powder, oil, nuts, and seeds causes them to have a greenish hue. Chlorophyll promotes healing.
In hemp powder, oil, nuts, and seeds, the ratio of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids is about 4/1. This is just the right ratio to benefit the body and aid in the prevention of cancer and heart disease.
Hemp is great for athletes and bodybuilders because it boosts energy and builds muscles. Hemp powder, oil, nuts, and seeds provide a tremendous energy boost for everybody. Hemp is not just for body-builders. Go ahead and add hemp products to your fat-burning diet.

Preparation of Hemp Oil, Powder, Nuts, and Seeds
A cold pressed oil, hemp oil must be refrigerated to stay fresh. Heat destroys nutrients, so don't use it for sautéing. Hemp oil is wonderful when used in: salads, sauces, and smoothies. Add it a tablespoon at a time.
There is a downside to using hemp powder, nuts, oil, and seeds. They can be cost-prohibitive. The reason is that hemp must be imported. This is because it's related to cannabis, the prime ingredient found in marijuana.
Hemp is great for use in clothing, food products, and 25,000 other things. Hemp is not a drug or a habit-forming substance. You may become very attached to it, though, because it is quite tasty!
There are prepared salad dressings that contain hemp, or you can make your own. You can get granola that contains hemp. Adding hemp, hemp oil, seeds, and broccoli to hummus is quite tasty. In dips, sauces, soups & stews, breads & muffins, salads, or just as a snack, shelled hemp seeds are great.
Keep your hemp seeds in a cool, dry place. After the container has been opened, store it in the refrigerator, where it will keep for a few months.
Look into it and give it a try. Hemp is great to add your fat-burning diet.
How Much Hemp Oil is the Right Amount?
One tablespoon constitutes one serving.
The amount you need varies according to the recipe you are making. It could be a quarter cup or just a couple of tablespoons. Use the number of people you are serving as a guide.
A couple of scoops of hemp powder equals approximately 30 grams. This amount contains 115 calories and 2.8 grams of fat. There is no trans fat, about 0.4 grams of saturated fat, 2 grams of polyunsaturated fat, one 1/2 grams of Omega 6, and 1/2 a gram of Omega 3 fatty acids, as well as 0.4 grams of monounsaturated fat. There is no cholesterol, nor is there any sodium. There are about thirteen grams of carbohydrate. About half of this is dietary fiber. There are also about eleven grams of protein.
This is just one example of the many extraordinary Fat Burning Foods [] available - foods that will burn fat naturally, allowing you to lose weight whilst you eat! Discover over 100 fat burning foods at [] and start losing weight effortlessly.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Garlic - Bad For Your Breath but Good For You
By Phil Tucker  

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Now, everybody knows that garlic is delicious. We throw it in virtually everything (or at least do), and one of my favorite smells ever is chopped garlic cooking in olive oil. Crackling and sizzling, going from pale white to a rich, golden yellow. But did you know that garlic is also one of the most popular herbal supplements in the US? It sells by the truckloads, and that's because there's a strong belief that garlic is not only scrumptious, but also has very powerful heath benefits. Is this true? What are those health benefits, and what can you do to maximize them? Read on, fearless reader, read on!
Okay, the basics: the name of the game is organosulfur compounds, which are thought to be responsible for not only smell and taste of garlic, but also its health benefits. Crushing or chopping garlic releases an enzyme called alliinase which catalyzes the formation of allicin, which in turn breaks down to form the organosulfur compounds we're all excited about. (Side note: cooking can inactivate alliinase, so scientists recommend you let your garlic sit for ten minutes after chopping before cooking it to get the max health benefits.)
Now, time for the disclaimers: the absorption and metabolism of allicin and organosulfur compounds are only partially understood. Research is ongoing. Neither allicin or the compounds have ever been found in human blood, urine, or stools, even after the consumption of 25g of pure garlic. This means they are metabolized very quickly in the human body, and consequently it's hard to track whether they actually reach their target tissues. There's a lot of positive indicators, but nothing really 100% solid yet. Just keep that in mind.
What are some of these supposed benefits? One of the most exciting is that garlic-derived organosulfur compounds have been found to decrease the synthesis of cholesterol by liver cells. They've also been shown to inhibit the activity of inflammatory enzymes, and to decrease the production of inflammatory signaling molecules in cultured macrophages and human whole blood. Since inflammation appears to play a huge role in the development of cardiovascular disease, this is very exciting. Organosulfur compounds have also been found to have strong antioxidant activity.
In the realm of cancer, garlic seems to do a host of complex things that are good for us. They seem to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, which is when damaged or unnecessary cells self-destruct, something cancer cells do not do. They also slow cancer cells from rapidly replicating themselves, and interfere with complex processes that turn chemical carcinogens into active carcinogens in the body. It is believed that high intakes of garlic may help protect against gastric and colorectal cancer, and may possibly inhibit the development of other cancers.
So there you have it. Cut and crush your garlic, and then let it stand for ten minutes so the allicin can form out of the alliinase, and become organosulfur compounds in your body. The benefits are wide ranging, from helping lower cholesterol to preventing the formation of blood clots, and can be of serious help with preventing the development of different cancers. Is garlic therefore a miracle supplement that everybody should take to ensure long life, joy and prosperity? No, not really; these benefits can be subtle or mild. But everything helps, so enjoy your garlic, and reap what benefits come your way!
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Tuesday 8 March 2016

Prevent Heart Disease With a Heart Healthy Diet
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If you are like most Americans, it is very likely that you are in desperate need of a heart healthy diet. Over the past several decades, the diet eaten by the average American has gotten progressively worse. Not surprisingly, as our diets have become less healthy, incident rates of heart disease have risen precipitously. The good news? There are plenty of steps that can be taken to implement a heart healthy diet and avoid heart disease.
Where to Start
Reforming one's eating habits is, admittedly, not an easy task. It is however, a task that is well worth the effort. In your transition to a heart healthy diet, the best place to start is with fats and cholesterol.
Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a single meal to contain well over half of the daily recommended intake of either of these nutritional components. Our focus on convenient foods that are ready right away has placed nutritional value at the bottom of our collective list of priorities when selecting food.
Of all of the changes that a person can make on their road to a heart healthy diet, limiting your intake of saturated and trans fats provides the largest benefit. Keeping these two dietary components in check helps to reduce your blood cholesterol and, in turn, lowers your risk of developing heart disease. When choosing foods based upon their fat content, be wary of butter, cream-based sauces, and hydrogenated margarine. As a rule, keeping your fat intake under 25% of your total daily calories can work wonders on keeping your heart healthy and strong.

Keeping it Going
While lowering your intake of saturated and trans fats is perhaps the most significant change a person can make in transitioning to a heart healthy diet, there are several other changes that can also make a big difference.
On your next trip to the grocery store, keep your eyes peeled for products that are made with whole grains. Not only are whole grains a great source of fiber, they also play a key role in regulating blood pressure. In short, these unrefined grains are a powerful ingredient in your heart healthy diet. Instead of grabbing a loaf of white bread, opt for the whole-grain bread instead. Another great way to integrate whole grains into your diet is via oatmeal. This tasty treat can be combined with berries for an even yummier snack.
Eat Your Vegetables (and Fruits too)
Remember mom's famous words? For children, they can be a source of disdain, or even terror. As an adult, however, it is important to understand that your mother was right - eating your vegetables IS an important part of staying healthy. For this reason, your heart healthy diet will never be complete if it does not include regular servings of fruits and vegetables.
Amanda Paul is the writer and content manager for BistroMD, one of the nation's industry leaders in home delivery of delicious meals designed for a lighter, healthier you.
In addition to content management, Amanda is also editor of the company's weekly newsletters and is the head of SEO marketing.
Amanda earned her B.A. in Communication from Florida Gulf Coast University in 2009, as well as a Minor in Journalism.

Monday 7 March 2016

The Importance of Protein in Your Diet
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Protein is very important for our bodies to remain healthy and balanced. A good balanced diet containing the proper amounts of protein effects your internal organs, hair, skin and muscles. Did you know that you must replenish protein on a daily basis as it's used up to replenish nails, skin and hair? One of the most important jobs of protein is to repair injuries and promote healing.
Your body is filled with anti bodies consisting of protein, which are instrumental in disease resistance and fighting diseases. Children still in the growing stages rely on proteins for healthy growth. After surgery protein helps your body rebuild. So as you can see there are several important points as to why you should keep a watchful eye on your protein intake, although many of us are rather negligent in doing so.
Now that you have a little more insight as to what great benefits protein will supply your body with, you would probably like to hear about some of the easiest ways to get protein on a daily basis. Meats are at the top of the list for supplying good sources of protein such as beef, chicken, hamburger and steaks. Dry roasted soybeans, soy protein, dairy foods and fish are also good sources.
There are two types of proteins that the human body can use to stay fit and healthy. The first type is classed as complete proteins and those listed above. The second class are called incomplete proteins (plant foods) and they consists of beans, nuts, grains and vegetables. Used together they can create enough protein for a balanced diet.

Getting adequate amounts of protein in your diet is easy enough, but here's a few pointers if you feel maybe you're lacking. Make a point of having some source of protein with every snack and meal. Start with some form of an egg for breakfast, lunch might include meat such as a hamburger or piece of chicken and snacks could include fruit and nuts.
There is a great way to make sure you get the proper amounts of protein in your diet without adding cholesterol from animal proteins and that is using Herbalife products. You can get more protein with less fat by using protein shakes and bars from Herbalife. Their easy, fast and delicious and you know you're getting the protein that you need!
A little extra attention to planning meals and you'll have the protein you need. Note these suggestions are only focusing on protein, obviously you need to round out your diet with fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates etc. Now you understand the importance of getting enough protein in your diet and with a little forethought, how easy you can accomplish this. This will create a Diet That Works for you.
Follow Sarah L. Kelly's latest dieting tips and create your own diet that works- []