Tuesday 27 October 2015

Nutritional benefits of nuts 

Let's Talk Nuts and Seeds!   

by Thresa Wright.

Let's talk nuts and seeds.
Nuts are a great source of protein, are easy to keep, readily found in local supermarkets and shops and are packed with healthful natural oils as well. However, I do mean natural nuts - not salted or flavour coated! -
A piece of fruit and a couple of brazil nuts, or three or four almonds make a great snack and is much better for you than the sugar packed nut bars that you can buy. Be aware though - nuts are fattening and so you only need a small handful to satisfy hunger pangs.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are also found in nuts (notably almond, apricot and prune kernels). EFAs stimulate metabolism, increase metabolic rate and oxidation. They speed up the rate at which our body burns fats and glucose when it gets more than 12-15% of total calories as EFAs which would equate to upwards of 3 tablespoons per day. EFAs help to burn off excess fats and help a person to lose weight and stay slim. Oily fish has the most EFAs, notably tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines - make oily fish part of your healthy diet too!
Pumpkin seeds are readily available at this time of the year. Scrape them out of the pumpkin, discarding as much of the fibrous strands as possible and roast in chilli flavoured olive oil, for a delicious snack - or better still sprinkle a few roasted seeds over the homemade pumpkin soup that you have made from the pumpkin flesh.
Incidentally, I have found Unrefined Avocado Oil to be extremely beneficial to use on the skin of my clients suffering from eczema.

Here is a recipe for Chestnut Soup which is warming and comforting at this time of the year.
Serves 4
500g tin of chestnuts
100ml of chicken or vegetable stock
One onion, finely chopped
Bay leaf
3 sage leaves
500ml rice milk
Put the onions and stock in a deep saucepan and cook for a few minutes until softened. Add the chestnuts, herbs and milk. Bring to the boil and then simmer for about 10 minutes.
Remove herbs and then liquidise until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Return to pan to heat through. You may need to add a little extra milk or stock to balance the consistency.
Think about including nuts and seeds in your diet. They are packed full of healthful oils and a great source of protein - wonderful if you are vegetarian or vegan -, but if you're just a regular omnivore (eats everything), nuts and seeds will add variety and interest to your diet.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Natural remedies for  diabetes 2 

How Herbal Medicines Effective In Lowering And Controlling Blood Sugar Level?   

by Albert Franklin

It is hard being a diabetic; it involves being careful diet planning with avoiding sweets and other highly processed foods like white bread, potatoes, white rice and white pasta. The control of carbohydrates is important for diabetics though this essential food group plays a very essential role in our bodies. Diabetics can ensure they get this essential food group from healthy means like whole grains, whole wheat products and some fruits and vegetables. Fats are also to be controlled as they could cause disturbances in the sugar levels in the blood and also cause obesity and weight gain, a leading cause of diabetes. Diabetics would do best to plan smaller and more frequent meals to lower and maintain blood sugar levels.
Diet plays a very vital role in the control of diabetes; but its control also lies in herbs that not only control the fluctuations in sugar level in the blood and urine, but also help bring down sugar levels. It is significant to know that certain herbal remedies like Diabkil capsules prove to be effective in not only lowering the level of sugar in the blood, but also gives extra support to the body. Herbal medicines like Diabkil capsules not only optimize the results of taking a healthy and balanced diet, but also make it easier for the body to overcome high sugar levels in the blood and blood sugar fluctuations.

It is significant to note here that herbs help to control blood sugar level; but all herbs separately do not give the desired results. It is scientifically tested, effective and safe herbal formulations like Diabkil that give the desired results of not only bringing down the blood sugar level and maintaining it, but also giving support to various parts of the body, especially the pancreas. Diabkil capsules are safe for people of all age groups and can be taken for any length of time without fear of side-effects.
Yes, Diabkil capsules are the herbal medicines for lowering and controlling blood sugar; this is the reason that many practitioners recommend these pills to be taken with other measures to control diabetes. This time-tested herbal medicine can be taken along with other medication and herbs; the effectiveness of this herbal medicine lies in the herbs like Momordica charantia, curcuma longa, terminalia arjuna and gymnema sylvestre used in this herbal formulation. The unique combination of these herbs helps to overcome the difficulty diabetics face of metabolizing sugar to produce energy for effective performance of various functions of the body. These effective herbal diabetic pills help to encourage the production of insulin in the pancreas for effective utilization of the sugar.
It is also important to know that herbal anti-diabetic medicines like Diabkil capsules help to increase the number of beta-cells in the pancreas; this helps not only in the production of insulin, but also helps keep the insulin in the optimum level and removes the bad effects of high blood sugar. This contributes to the popularity of this herbal supplement for diabetes control.

Saturday 24 October 2015


Natural Chelation With Vitamins, Minerals and Phytonutrients   

by Dr Keith Scott

It is reassuring to know that there are many plant-derived compounds, vitamins and minerals that can protect us against heavy metals and other environmental toxins.
Our bodies are continuously exposed to poisonous substances - both natural and man made. Although we have biochemical mechanisms to cope with most them, when our bodies are subject to overwhelming quantities of toxins, severe health problems occur.
The human body deals with poisonous substances in various ways. Enzymes and components of the immune system in the intestines are the first line of defense in this regard. They either convert the toxins into harmless substances or prevent their absorption into the blood stream by binding to them. In addition food-derived compounds help to neutralize harmful agents before they are absorbed through the bowel wall. Interestingly, and somewhat paradoxically, metals like iron, zinc and copper (that are potential toxins themselves) can also help prevent the absorption of poisonous heavy metals like lead.

If a toxin manages to evade the defense systems in the intestines and gains access to the blood stream it may then be rendered safe by enzymatic action or other processes in the liver - the most important detoxifying organ. If the liver fails to deal with a toxin it may then be excreted by the kidneys. However, some the most problematic toxins are those that the body cannot neutralize or get rid of.
The most important examples of these are the metals - especially arsenic, copper, iron, zinc and the heavy metals like lead and mercury. As the body has difficulty excreting these poisons it tries to sequestrate them in tissues like fat and bone where they will not cause as much harm as they would in other organs or tissues. Unfortunately when the stores of these toxic substances reach a certain threshold they inevitably begin to cause damage. Lead and mercury are particularly damaging to the brain and other nervous tissue and this is especially so in children.
The treatment of choice for metal poisoning is chelation therapy; a therapy whereby a chelating agent is used to 'grab' or bind to the toxin; either rendering it harmless or allowing the body to excrete it more easily. Examples of chelating agents that are used to treat metal poisoning are: DMSA, DMPS, ALA, EDTA.
There are also many naturally occurring compounds that have chelating properties. The spice, coriander (cilantro) has been shown to chelate lead while turmeric binds to both copper and iron. Other studies have shown how vitamins B1, E, C and zinc can help prevent the absorption of lead and enhance the capacity of chelating drugs.
As well as acting as chelating agents plant derived compounds play a vital role in countering the damaging effects of heavy metals and other toxic substances. Many toxins are free radicals and as such cause oxidative damage to cells and tissues. Spices, fruits, nuts and vegetables all provide large numbers of important antioxidant and other compounds that play a vital role in helping to contain free radical damage.
If we want to minimize the effect of heavy metals and other environmental pollutants on our bodies we need to ensure that we have an adequate daily intake of spices, fruit and vegetables. It is these foods that provide us with the best means to deal with this inexorable threat to our health.

Monday 19 October 2015

healthy wraps 

Great Healthy Lunch Ideas   

by Sylvia J Patterson

For busy moms, finding ideas for healthy lunches that their kids will actually eat can be a monumental task. Do you open your kids' lunch boxes at the end of the day only to find half of the food uneaten and some of it untouched? Do you field regular complaints from your kids about the lack of variety in the lunches you pack? If this has happened to you âEUR" and we're willing to bet it has âEUR" you may be at a loss for new lunch ideas that still provide the nutrition your kids' growing bodies need. Below, Pita Jungle, a healthy restaurant in Arizona and Southern California, offers some great healthy lunch ideas to help your kids eat better âEUR" and enjoy doing it.
Wrap it Up
Are your kids complaining about eating the same old sandwiches day after day? Mix it up with a lunch wrap! Whether it's peanut butter and jelly, deli meat or egg salad, you can spruce up that boring old sandwich by placing it in a whole wheat tortilla or pita instead.
Pack D-I-Y Dishes
Kids like to do things themselves âEUR" and preparing their own meals is no exception. Why not give them a do-it-yourself lunch that they can build on their own? Whether it's tacos, a wrap or a sandwich, your kids will be more likely to eat their lunch if you allow them to assemble it themselves. Try packing separate containers of meat, veggies and sauces to let them create their own masterpiece! This is one idea for healthy lunches your kids are sure to enjoy.
Skip the Chips
When you pack potato chips and cookies in your kids' lunches, they will get eaten. For a healthier lunch option, however, give them side dishes like fresh veggies, cheese cubes and fruit leathers instead. Choosing healthier sides helps to ensure your kids get the nutrition they need to stay focused all day long.

Don't Drop the Ball When Dining Out
Looking for lunch ideas that are healthy when dining out or ordering food to go? Simply take your kids to Pita Jungle for a healthy and delicious lunch they will enjoy. Pita Jungle offers a kids' menu that even the most picky eaters are sure to love. Your child can choose one menu item from each of the following food groups:
  • Protein: Turkey, chicken, hummus, lentils or tofu

  • Grains and carbs: Brown rice, corn, garlic potatoes, pita bread or crisp, macaroni and cheese, or pasta with marinara.

  • Veggies: Cucumber slices, steamed broccoli, spinach, or steamed carrots.

  • Fruits: Choice of chopped seasonal fruit.
Pita Jungle's kids' meal also comes with a milk or juice for a well balanced meal. The next time you're looking for healthy lunch ideas when dining out, simply visit the Pita Jungle location nearest you and discover "The Art of Eating HealthyâEUR

Saturday 17 October 2015

Healthy lunch  ideas 

Tips to Healthy Eating   

by Stevenson Rahman

Eating healthy is a must. This is so because the food that you eat greatly depicts the kind of body that you have. As a matter of fact what we put inside our mouths shows on how we look and what kind of health do we have. Although it is thru eating that we get all the nutrients needed to keep our functioning and energized, too much eating can lead to harmful results rather than good.
Controlling one’s appetite can be very hard especially if what you are seeing in front of you are the foods that you so love to eat. But you should be able to master the skill of eating sensibly or else you will be at the losing end as time goes by when you become obese and prone to diseases.
For people who want to control their appetites and lead a healthier life, here are some of the tips to healthy eating:
• Do not limit yourself to eating fruits and vegetables. They are one of the healthiest foods that you can have as they are rich with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber needed to keep the body healthy. Fruits and vegetables can make you feel full for a long time and contain minimal calories so you are sure to not get fat when you eat them.
• Do not skip meals. It is very important that you eat your meals on time and on a regular basis because once you starve yourself, you will be tempted to eat more than what you should.
• Drink lots of water. Water will make you feel satiated even with less food intake. In fact most would recommend drinking a glass of water before a meal so that one can’t over eat during mealtime. 
• Know what foods to choose. It is never wrong to eat sinful foods such as chocolate and other desserts. But just remember to eat in moderation and in the right amount. Also learn how to balance your meals. Like when you had deep fried chicken and a big burger for lunch, try to eat healthy during dinner by eating vegetable based dishes. When you know how to plan your meals, then you will not be getting the bad effects that food gives such as leading to become fat.
Aside from the tips mentioned above on how to eat healthy, you can also try products that will make you feel full yet it does not give you the calories that could be bad for you.
Isagenix [http://www.freedomtolivewell.com.au/doctors-isagenix.html]. Snacks contain all the nutrients that you need for a healthier body like carbohydrates, protein, and the healthy kind of fat. Isagenix Snacks wafers come in two flavors, French vanilla and chocolate.
Isagenix [http://www.freedomtolivewell.com.au/doctors-isagenix.html]. Snacks will not only make you full easily so you cravings for fatty foods will be satisfied. It also contains very minimal calories so it is perfect for people who want to lose weight. For more information on how to order Isagenix Snacks, please log on to [http://www.freedomtolivewell.com.au]. 

Monday 12 October 2015

Food Safety and Food Poisoning Bacteria   

by Jeff Skinner

Some examples of food poisoning bacteria include:
Salmonella was discovered in the 19th century by a scientist named Daniel Salmon. Salmonella spp come in over 2 1/2 thousand different strains known as serotypes or species (spp). Many of the serotypes are named after where they were discovered. Salmonella Montevideo caused food poisoning with a major chocolate manufacturer.
Two types of Clostridia are known to cause food poisoning. Namely Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium botulinum. C botulinum is responsible for producing the world's most virulent toxin, known as Botox. 1g of Botox can kill up to 100,000 people. There were experiments carried out during the Second World War by the British in Portadown to use Botox as a biological weapon. It was never, however, used. Botox can cause death in young infants. This is called infant botulism. If infants under three months old ingest C botulinum spores they can die. C botulinum spores can be found in many natural foods such as honey. That is why it is important not to feed any to children under three months, although honey labels state not to feed to children under 12 months, for further safety. During the manufacture of honey, bees inadvertently pickup C botulinum spores from hedgerows, soil and plants and contaminate the honey.
Bacillus cereus is well known from causing rice poisoning. Cooked rice from a takeaway or rice prepared incorrectly can lead to B cereus poisoning.
Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria start off as commensals. Humans are caked in this bacteria from head to toe. They act as protective bacteria. As these bacteria grow they release chemicals which prevent infection from other pathogens. They are, however, opportunistic and can cause infection through a small cut. If we cough or sneeze over the food, or over handle food without washing hands, then we can contaminate food with our bacteria. The bacteria will grow in the food and release toxins, which will poison the consumer.
Other bacteria which cause foodborne disease include: E. coli, Listeria and Campylobacter.
In the UK in the late 1990s a voluntary system was introduced for egg producers to vaccinate their flocks of chickens. This allowed them to put lion stamps on their eggs. Salmonella has almost been eradicated from poultry and eggs. The main problem with poultry tends to be Campylobacter contamination, which is the biggest cause of diarrhoea in the UK. Eggs without lion stamps should be avoided as they could be infected with Salmonella enteridis. (Infected eggs very rarely cause illness if eaten as a cooked product. The bacteria are only present in the white of the egg. Providing the eggs are cooked sufficiently to congeal the white then they are safe to eat. The bacteria will not penetrate the membrane surrounding the yoke. The problem is that products made from raw egg which are allowed to remain at ambient temperature (for example, tiramisu, mayonnaise, and mousses) can cause food poisoning. By whisking the eggs the bacteria in the white of the egg are allowed to come into contact with the yoke, which is a good food supply for the bacteria.)

Apart from C perfringens and C botulinum there is also one serotype called C difficile, which causes major diarrhoeal problems in hospitals. Clostridia are a major source of infection with large joints of meat, large pots of gravy or soup which are allowed to simmer slowly for several hours without being stirred. The bacteria grow in the cool spots within liquids. The bacteria release a toxin which is heat-stable. So even if the liquid is brought to the boil it will not deactivate the toxin and poisoning will ensue.
Bacillus cereus is a major cause of poisoning with rice and rice products. This will be covered in more detail when the best way to handle rice to prevent food poisoning is discussed under spores.
Listeria are bacteria that will grow in a fridge in cold conditions. These bacteria can be found in unpasteurised food products such as milk, cheese and pates. Listeria is a major problem with pregnant women. It affects the unborn child by preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the foetus. Abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth could arise.
Campylobacter is the major cause of infection with poultry. Campylobacteriosis has flulike symptoms. Campylobacter are also present in live birds. This includes wild and domestic birds.

Monday 5 October 2015

More apple cake

How to Bake a Delicious Apple Cake   

by Finka Georgieva

Apples are not just fresh, refreshing and delicious; they are the perfect way to celebrate any occasion. Since apples are nearly always stocked in most kitchens, if you are in search of a quick bite then you can very well bake a delicious apple cake. This could be a good reminder of how thrilling it was to pick apples from your grandmother's garden. You would find them readily available at fruit stands and savour this wonderful fruit. This apple cake recipe is good especially because if you add a dash of cinnamon to this it would become a lovely red hot cake.

The ingredients that you would need to make the apple cake include 4 cups of coarsely diced up apples. Then you would need about 2 cups of sugar, a cup of chopped nuts and cup of cooking oil. You would also need 2 well beaten eggs, 2 cups of flour, a teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of cinnamon, and 1 teaspoons of vanilla. Remember to preheat the oven to about 350 degrees.
Baking the Cake
First you need to mix the apples add sugar thoroughly. Then you need to add the vanilla, eggs, nuts and oil. Then take another bowl and mix the baking soda, flour, salt and the apples. Then you need to mix it well. Next, pout this apple cake mixture into a greased 9x13x2 inch pan. Next, you need to bake for an hour at 350 degrees. Otherwise, keep checking after 45 minutes to check whether the sides of the cake shrink at pan's edge. Once, it does you need to decrease the heat to about 250 degrees that is if you are using a glass pan.

Making the Apple Sauce
Now that you have baked your delicious apple cake, it would go well with a side of apple sauce. In order to make the apple sauce you would need about 6 large McIntosh or Granny Smith apples. Then you would also need cup of granulated sugar, a dash of nutmeg and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. You'd also need cup of apple juice or cider. Once you've gathered all the ingredients you can proceed to make the apple sauce.
To make the apple sauce would have to first peel the apple and take out its core. Then cut them into chunks. After that you need to take a 3 quart saucepan and then take the apple chunks and juice or cider. Next, you need to bring this mixture to a boil. After that, you could reduce the heat and then you need to cover it. Allow it to simmer for about 20 minutes till the chunks become tender. After that you can stir in the nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar. Let it cook for 2 minutes. You need to mash it up while it is in the pot or allow it to cool and puree it in the food processor.
Now that both your apple cake and sauce are ready, you can serve the slices of the cake as you top it up with a helpful amount of apple sauce.