Tuesday 13 November 2018

Pumpkin is a Super food

Cucurbita pepo, the pumpkin, is a cultivar of a squash plant.
Pumpkin is one of the most nutritious fruits loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin is a super food, which contains high level of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, C and B6. Its low calorie content helps in weigh control, preventing   obesity and diabetes 2.  Its beta-carotene substance, an antioxidant, provides fight against certain types of cancer, prevents heart disease and asthma. Fibre, potassium and vitamin C content in pumpkin support healthy heart and help in lowering blood pressure.
Pumpkin is gluten free fruit. You can use pumpkin and pumpkin seeds in wide range of dishes: soups, salads, bread and desserts. When you prepare your food do not use extra sugar, the pumpkin is sweet enough.
Delicious and quick autumn dish, does not require cooking experience:
Roasted pumpkin, apple, carrot, red onion and parsnip.

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