Tuesday 28 November 2017

Winter Comfort foods
Soups 3

Onion soup
Nutritional value of onion:
Onion is a phytonutrient. It is a good source of dietary fibre, the following vitamins; vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin B1, folate, biotin, flavonoid, and the following mineral; potassium, manganese, phosphorous and copper.
Onion has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects. It provides cardiovascular health. It also protects against cancel.

Chopped onions
1 tbsp
Corn starch
2 tsp
Vegetable stock solution
1 cube dissolved in water
Up to your taste
Up to your taste

Melt the butter
Stir the onions into the butter and fry it until they look glassy
Dissolve the vegetable cub in 200 ml water
Sprinkle the starch and stir it into the onions.
Pour the stock solution on the onions, add more water and season the soup.
Cook it for 20 minutes.
When it is cooked pour the soup into a blender to homogenise.

tbsp: tablespoon

tsp: teaspoon 

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