Sunday 23 April 2017

Health Benefits of Bear Paw Garlic

Allium Ursinum, wild garlic, wood garlic or bear paw garlic flowers in the British Isles from April to June in woods filling the air with its characteristic garlicky aroma. Wild garlic leaves, bulbs and flowers are edible; they can be used as salad, herb, boiled as vegetable in soup or in sauce. The leaves of Allium ursinum are easily mistaken for lily of the valley sometimes also those of Veratum viride, Colchicum autumnale and Arum maculatum, all four are poisonous. Grinding the leaves between the fingers and checking for a garlic-like smell can be helpful.

The wood garlic has antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, anticholesterolemic effects, so it has a wide medical platter. The health benefit of bear paw garlic is its effectiveness in reducing blood pressure and, hence, heart disease and the risk of stroke. The wild garlic has the greatest effect on lowering blood pressure.

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