Tuesday 31 January 2017

Learn about the health benefits of herbs @http://glutentheenemy.blogspot.co.uk/ 

Friday 20 January 2017

Nutritional Fuel
Celery Sticks

In ancient Greece celery leaves were used as garlands for the dead and to make wreaths or crowns that were given to winners of battles. Looking its health benefits it is a winner. Celery is a popular vegetable, plant in America. It belongs to the family of Apiaceae.
The celery stick is part of the leaf, it is the leaf stalk, which is also called petiole. So when you eat “celery sticks” you eat the bottom part of the leaf, a fleshy petiole.

Here is the summary of its nutritional values:
It contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and trace minerals.
It is loaded with vitamins A, C and K, folate and flavonoids as apeginin and luteolin and different types of antioxidants.
Health benefits of celery sticks are the followings:
It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level, prevents cardiovascular disease. Celery sticks have anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it useful to treat gout, arthritis, kidney, liver and urinary track infections. Naturally boosts immune system and fights against bacterial infections.

Flavonoid found in celery has a potencial non-toxic treatment for HER2 Brest Cancer. Polyacetlynes have many immune-boosting effects, including tumour-fighting abilities that stop mutated cells from proliferating.

Monday 16 January 2017

Sharon fruit

Sharon fruit's  Latin name is Diospyros kaki “ fruit of god”. It contains heath –giving nutrients:
  • Its characteristic orange colour comes from beta- carotene, which is an antioxidant. Helps reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Sharon fruit contains vitamin A and E, which are good for your eyesight and skin
  • It also contains vitamin C which has anti- inflammatory properties and vitamin K which helps to prevent blood –clotting.
  • The following minerals are in Sharon fruit; potassium, manganese, phosphorous, calcium, iron, copper and zinc.
  • Last but not least it contains high level of dietary fibre, which helps to prevent constipation.

Monday 9 January 2017

Arthritis and Apple Cider Vinegar - An Ancient Couple
The use of Apple Cider Vinegar to improve a wide range of health concerns is certainly not new.
You know, Oxymel has been a mainstay of home remedies and simple healing for centuries.
Oxymel is simply the mixture of equal parts of Apple Cider Vinegar with raw honey. It is used twice a day, diluting one tablespoon in one glass of water and taken first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep.
There are slight variations in the recipe, as some people add crushed seeds of fennel and other species, as well as crushed garlic. In the same way, some people heat the mixture to make the syrup while others just mix all together and let it rest for a day before using it.
As I know, Oxymel has been used in my family for many generations, and was always related to arthritis like pains and other joint pain conditions.
But there are many reports that claim Apple Cider Vinegar to be helpful in other conditions as acne, dandruff, dyspepsia, for detoxing after a period of self neglect, dissolve painful calcium deposits in the body, hay fever, neutralize harmful bacteria that may be found in foods, digestive upsets, a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent, candida, high cholesterol, colds, constipation, muscle cramps, colitis, diabetes, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, weight loss... and the list may go for EVER and EVER.
If this all is true I don't really know, but all I can say is that arthritis and Apple Cider Vinegar is a win-win combination. Use the Apple Cider Vinegar to lessen the arthritic pain and receive the extra benefits as a bonus!
Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. All these symptoms can be lessen or suppressed with the intake of Oxymel twice a day. At least that is what I believe.
But as I mentioned believe, I must make a consideration here. Maybe believe is an important part of the healing capability of any remedy. I have seen many members of my family to take the Oxymel with the plain believe that this mere action will help their painful condition, and it certainly did. Some time ago, I recommended this home remedy to a friend who was extremely skeptical; and although he toke the Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day for more than three weeks, he noticed no improvement at all with his arthritic pain.

This is not a cure for arthritis, and Apple Cider Vinegar must not be discontinued or you will feel your arthritis symptoms again. You must take it daily in order to see ongoing relief, and always consult your doctor for a medical treatment of the disease.
Besides drinking Oxymel, soaking arthritic joints in hot Apple Cider Vinegar (1 part of Apple Cider Vinegar to 6 parts of hot water) can bring you extra relief.
Apple Cider Vinegar is safe, as far as you don't have yeast allergy, in which case you can't, by ANY mean, use this home remedy. Besides this, some people have concerns of the side effects of the vinegar on dentin sensitivity and erosion of the enamel, so they advise to add baking soda in order to make the preparation slightly alkaline. I do not add it because although I am very confident with the Apple Cider Vinegar, I have many doubts of the side effects of the baking soda itself. What I do is have a gently mouthwash right after taking the oxymel. But you may avoid these problems taking the supplement tablets available in the market.
My family has a history of long living members, and as in many other families, there are many age related diseases like arthritis, and Apple Cider Vinegar was always used to lessen the pain.
Always follow the medical advice, but if your doctor is only treating the symptoms of a disease, you have the right to ask for a natural alternative to hazardous pain-killers!
I am always looking for resources to enhance my health in a natural way. Visit Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar for more information on this wonderful beverage!

Friday 6 January 2017

Why Cabbage is Good For Weight Loss
By Peter Halpin  |   Submitted On September 21, 2008

Research has shown that cabbage is a great weight loss food. Apart from the fact that it's a green leafy vegetable, a cup of cabbage contains only fifteen calories. Leafy greens are one of the best kind of whole foods you can eat.
But that's not all, because cabbage also contains:
Lactic acid which can assist in disinfecting your colon.
Vitamin C which many believe helps your cells to burn fat.
Vitamin A for good eye health.
Phytonutrients which help protect you from free radicals that can damage your cells walls and are named suspects for causing cancer.
Vitamin E, which helps your skin glow and stay healthy. This anti-oxidant, when mixed with honey and dabbed on the face, can even keep wrinkles ot a minimum. It only takes 30ml cabbage juice left on those wrinkles for 20 minutes, morning and evening.
If you like red cabbage you get something extra. It contains an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which is the ingredient behind the red colour. Anthocyanin helps protect your brain cells and many scientists believe it could be an important ally against Alzheimer's disease. According to a Japanese study undertaken in February 2008, anthocyanins also show great promise as "fat fighters". The reason for this, is that the antioxidants in red cabbage could also help with metabolic syndrome which can cause obesity, hypertension and insulin problems.

The fastest way to enjoy the benefits of cabbage is by drinking 25-50ml of fresh, raw cabbage juice each day. It's also a well known aid for peptic ulcers. Four glasses a day will accelerate the healing process and relieve the pain. It does wonders for your insides. The best cabbage for this purpose is called the Coallis Lombarda. The reason it is so good, is because it contains high doses of Vitamin U. This powerful vitamin is one of nature's strongest weapons against gastric and intestinal disorders. In a report from Stanford Medical School, 62 out of 65 cases that were treated for gastric ulcer, were cured after just three weeks.
Trouble is, it's hard to find this cabbage. But don't let this deter you; ordinary cabbage contains loads of good stuff and is almost as good. One could almost say "a cabbage juice a day keeps the doctor away."
For information about the health benefits of cabbage and cabbage soup for weight loss, visit http://losefatloseweight.com