Saturday 30 May 2015

Health and Diet - Grilling Isn't Just For Meat

To me the perfect summer afternoon includes cooking out on the grill. Most people start out with either the charcoal or sparking the gas. Either option is alright with me. I think the charcoal adds a nice flavor, but you can't beat the ease of a gas grill. So what's cooking today? I love to get a really nice couple filet mignons and sear the surfaces and get that lovely looking diamond shaped brand, while keeping the inside pink and moist. But what really tops a meal is the side dishes, and those can be prepared right on the grill as well.
Lots of people will wrap up a couple potatoes in foil and those are definitely delicious, but how about some other veggies or even, gasp, some fruit. The best option for veggie is to get one of those baskets that sit on top of the grill grates. That way you aren't losing pieces into the fire. That's a double whammy because it can screw up the burners on a gas grill, but mainly because you are losing food. That's no good at all. I bought a nice stainless steel basket for only a few bucks at Marshall's a couple years ago, and it still is holding up nicely. It's perfect for sliced peppers, onions and mushrooms. Those are perfect toppings for that filet.
But here comes the out-of-the-box thinking. Have you ever thrown an orange or a pine apple slice onto your grill? This may sound counter-intuitive, but fruit takes on a whole new dimension on the grill. You still maintain that juicy sweet taste, and you get all the anti-oxidants and nutritional value, but the surprise is that the flame broiling brings out the flavor of the fruit and the natural sugars can become caramelized. This pretty much turns the fruit into an amazing dessert.
So what have we learned here? The grill isn't just for that main course. You can get the meat, potatoes, veggies and dessert all on one cooking surface and (here's a bonus) save on clean up time. Less dishes means more time to relax and enjoy yourself in the months and years ahead. Don't limit yourself to meat and don't limit yourself to summer. If you are a brave and hardy soul you can grill all year round. (In the winter those oven mitts can do double duty.) Life just doesn't get much better than relaxing on your deck and enjoying the smell and taste of a back yard barbecue.
The right food choices will make a huge impact on your quest for better health.

Thursday 21 May 2015

You should listen to it. What do you think about ketogenic diet?

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Fitness, Health and Diet Products

The past years have witnessed many developments in diet pills and weight shedding solutions. From amphetamines to the Atkins Diet, mankind has gone a long way in coming up with answers to keep healthy and fit. The Anderson Method is one of the latest developments in the weight loss field. This system uses psychotherapy to achieve long-term weight balance. Authorized psychotherapist William Anderson, MA, LMHC has used the methods to himself, enabling him to lose 140 lbs. after 25 years of being overweight.
According to the Anderson Method, there are no fatty or healthy food groups. Instead of limiting your foods and depriving your body of specific food groups, one can discipline himself or herself to consume foods at reasonable amounts. The diet you choose can be based on your tastes without compromising health and fitness. Dissimilar to other trend diet methods, Anderson ensures that this diet is one you can do for life.
The calories you eat from your weight loss plan must be based on the quantity your body uses up. Trend weight loss plans require persons to eat a calorie amount too little to match their body's energy needs. Calories are needed for one to move around and make decisions. Eating an insufficient amount will make you feel weak and unable to think properly. Though consuming less will cause a faster weight reduction speed, you'll eventually eat a large amount as soon as a large meal is presented in front of you. Eating right entails a correct perspective, having reliable weight items, and making fit choices. The Anderson method shifts a person's behavior and inspires the person to shift his or her lifestyle by eating a right amount of calories and maintaining a healthy weight.
Healthy weight loss isn't only achieved by coming up with a healthy diet. Certain people opt to have products that can speed up or enhance the weight loss method. Anderson states that a few of these diet items are unhealthy for the body. Among these are Amphetamines or "speed," which individuals consume to keep them up all night, without knowing that it can cause sudden death. Nowadays, Amphetamine is acknowledged as the illegal crystal meth drug.
The present industry provides numerous weight loss medicine choices but Anderson states that these are scams looking for fast profit. The only safe options are those recommended to obese patients. Anderson thus advises several weight loss medications that can assist in balanced and safe weight reduction. The first product is butter spray. Unlike normal butter applied to fry vegetables and meats, butter spray just inserts about 10 calories to your food. The effect is better taste minus the extra fats and calories.
The next low-fat choice is diet soda. Unlike regular soda drinks, weight loss drinks contain sugars that give your body less calories. As soon as you start engaging in physical activity, these sugars are immediately used up and gone from the body.
Taking a lot of protein will also leave you full for longer periods. The best time to have a lot of protein is during breakfast. Eating a heavy, protein-rich breakfast ensures that your metabolism runs faster for the rest of the day. This prevents you from eating in the succeeding meal. Eggs are an excellent source of fulfilling protein as it has about 75 calories. The calories in eggs have no cholesterol, providing your body with a fit source of energy. For parents, another choice is to have a low-calorie frozen dinner. Unlike fast food portions, low calorie frozen meals provide a sufficient and healthy amount of energy. These foods are perfect for individuals with no time to cook but require meals to get them through the day.

Monday 18 May 2015

Organic Coffee Beans Are Good For Health and Diet

Organic Coffee Beans are produced without including pesticides or herbicides in it. It provides benefits to the producer as well as the consumer. The definition of Organic Coffee can be extended to include an emphasis on recycling, composting, soil health and protection of the environment. Its cost effectiveness and socially responsibility are the reasons that organic fair trade and organic shade grown coffee go shoulder to shoulder with each other. The main question that arises in the minds of the people is IF THERE IS ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ORGANIC COFFEE BEANS AND OTHER COFFEE BEANS:
Every one knows that food with old farming methods use harmful pesticides that help only in accelerating the process of aging. Therefore, there is simply no reason to compromise our health for these activities. The future of agriculture industry depends on these organic growers. Many people have misconceptions that these type of coffee-beans are comparatively expensive. But honestly most of them are of same prices with those that undergo prohibited chemicals that are harmful for human growth and health. Besides prices one can never compromise over health and Organic Coffee Beans are good for health and diet, organic plantation helps preserve the ecosystems in the rain forest too. Any activity that causes destruction to human health should be stopped immediately. So when the price is no longer concerned then why should we still continue drinking chronic poisons?
Not every coffee farm in the world is following natural and organic methods of cultivation. People who are conscious for their health have knowledge how organic products are good for health and help them for healthy benefits.
For farmers producing coffee through unnatural means using pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals is much easier than production through natural means particularly in terms of cost. But the disadvantage from the production through unnatural means has triggered the importance of organic products and its production.
Much has been said, studied, discovered and discussed about Organic Coffee Beans through out the world. And the term "Organic Coffee" is no more a strange term for the users of coffee. It is no more restricted to the health freaks and environment activists alone. Rather, it has made a place into the cup of every coffee lover in the world.
Besides its benefits now the types of Organic Coffee Beans should be discussed:
It can be anything that has been grown originally. So, it can be:
- Organic Shade Grown CBs:it is just another but the original way of cultivating coffee and a considerable portion of all the CBs are grown by this method. In this method, the coffee beans are grown in natural shade of dense forest, artificial forest or caves but without the use of any fertilizer.
- Organic Bird Friendly Coffee Beans:This is almost synonymous to organic coffee beans. All the CBs that are grown originally do not harm birds and other creatures and help maintain ecological balance. They do not use toxic artificial fertilizers or pesticides.
Every one discusses advantages but no one shows the other side of the picture. There is only one disadvantage, Buying Organic Coffee Beans calls for a considerable time and labour to put while making a cup of coffee.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Health and Diet During Holidays


- Holidays are a hectic time. All premeditated schedules can go haywire. To stay on track, create a work out time table listing down all the parties, dinners and so on. Keep the time table at such a place where you are forced to look at it every day. This serves as a reminder to stick to your time table religiously.
- If you think you would like to lose 25 lbs during holidays despite enjoying parties, set a goal much before and start working towards it. Goal can also be to gain few kilos also.
- With so much lip smacking, gorgeous food all around, you will feel tempted to just give your fitness program. Keep one day aside where you can treat your self to all your cravings and give in to all your bingeing. Stick to your fitness program rest of the days. And don't feel even one iota of guilt while satiating your self. Schedule your day to cheat on fitness routine when you have major event lined up.
- If you skip one day of exercise, don't despair. Get on with it the next day. Nothing goes waste. One day of holiday in your fitness schedule should be a motivating factor for you to get back on your fitness regime.
- If you have planned a big dinner, you might tend to skip either morning or afternoon meal. Avoid changing your eating pattern. Treat the big dinner party at night just like regular dinner time and eat how much you would eat normally.
- Control food portion size in holidays. Eat your favourite foods in moderation. Overindulgence will show around your waistline.
- One always has choices, no matter where you are. Make the best possible choice based on the alternatives available in front of you. If it's impossible, eat a small portion than a big one.
- Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water daily. Drink few glasses of water before dinner to control your appetite and not kill those hunger pangs. If you just drink and not eat a well balanced meal, you will bloat. Drink water throughout the day to maintain a steady state of hydration.
Kevin Pederson is the webmaster of Diethealthclub. Healthy Food contain vital nutrients that aid our body’s metabolic function and nutritious diet ensures well being, helps to maintain a healthy BMI and reduces the risk of diseases.

Thursday 14 May 2015

What do you think? I love this video!

The Basics of the Women's Health Abs Diet

By   |

The entire fitness world is buzzing about the Women's Health Abs Diet. This popular diet was actually first published in Men's Health and then adapted for its sister magazine Women's Health. These magazines are the pinnacles of health information, and you know you can trust tips and tricks that come from these sources.
The Women's Health Abs Diet is an effective plan for getting your total body in shape. Why do you need a plan? Because you want to maximize your fat loss and create muscle each day so you can take a step closer to your ideal body.
And this plan works!
The basics of the Women's Health Ab Diet are simple. In order to get your abs in top condition, you must burn fat. There's no way of getting around that. In order to burn fat, you have to stimulate your metabolism. You do this by toning your muscles and replacing fat with muscle.
Did you know that by replacing just one pound of fat with an equal pound of muscle would help you burn an extra 150 calories everyday?
You'll burn those calories each day without even trying.
In order to build muscle, you need to emphasize all parts of your body...not just the abs. Why? Because your body is not a robot with different components and parts. All of your muscles work together to create your sleek physique. When you emphasize just one portion, you'll be denying yourself a proper, balanced work out.
This is where the term "compound exercises" comes in. The exercises involve several different muscle groups so your body is working as one unit to tighten muscles and burn fat.
Remember, in order for your body to be as fit as possible, you must work all of your major muscle groups together. The Women's Health abs diet exercises make your workout more fun, more challenging and increases the demands on your muscles. All of this leads to a tighter, leaner stomach in less time!
After all, no one wants to spend their whole day exercising. Celebrities can afford to do it...but we live in the real world. We want real results, real fast. And the Women's health abs diet exercises can do that. The key is in getting the most out of every workout. The workouts are short, focused and powerful. It's no doubt that you'll be feeling and seeing the effects of this workout in no time at all!
I get how frustrating it is to get a 6 pack. And without the proper diet, exercise and mindset system, it's almost impossible. It's important to choose a program carefully. Check out: Mike Geary's truth about abs. It's popular because it's one of the best abs training programs. Get started now!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

 This is good!

Watch Out For Health and Dieting Advice

By   |  

Most of dieting fads are unhealthy diets. Just the name of some of these diets should tell you that they are not good for you. For example, there are diets that suggests things like that you only eat cabbage soup. That is completely insane. The fundamental key to any successful healthy diet is that the body is getting the basic nutrients that it needs on a daily basis. Whenever you investigate a new diet this is the first place you should look. Is the diet going to provide you with all of the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, that the body needs? Yes, the body needs all these things on a daily basis, even some fats.
Unfortunately today we have become atoned to instant gratification. This is really no surprise. For example, with cell phones we are now able to get in touch with our friends and family no matter where we are and no matter where they are. There were no cell phones when I was in high school. If I will go up late on a Saturday morning in the summer and all my friends had already left for the day, I had no choice but to spend the rest of the day alone. That wouldn't happen today. Unfortunately, there are certain things that technology can not do for us. One of them is losing weight. There is a proper time frame for weight loss. This time frame is not overnight. A good friend of mine lost 200 pounds while eating a very simple diet. It took him one year, however. Most people are not willing to wait that long. By the end of that year, he was able to come off all of his diabetes medication as his body had healed itself after losing weight.
Modern medicine praises the use of stomach surgery to help people lose weight. What most people don't realize is that surgery, of any kind, has its risks. First of all, any kind of surgery will cause trauma to the body. There is no surgery that does not do some harm to the body. Since we know that anytime we have surgery we are doing harm to our body, we have the way that we had the benefit that we are going to get from it. If you are overweight by hundreds of pounds and have made an earnest effort to lose weight, then perhaps the benefit of stomach surgery outweighs its risk. However if you're only trying to lose 100 pounds, then in invasive surgery is not a good solution for you. Proper discipline by following a healthy diet day in and day out for a year should bring you the results you are looking for.
Unhealthy dieting unfortunately causes a lot of harm to a lot of people. Simply remember that no matter what diet you do be sure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis.
Forrest Higgins publishes articles online on many subjects and immensely enjoys doing so. Why not check out one of his new sites about Baby Cradle Bedding [] with articles on things like Baby Girl Crib Bedding/ [] and more.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Monday 11 May 2015

Health and Diet Supplements - A Way to Improve Health Naturally

Health and Diet Supplements are products that are consumed orally and they are specially developed to contain certain ingredients to help supplement whatever our current diet may be lacking. There are many benefits of dietary supplements. In the hectic world that we live in today, it is not always easy to find the time to make nutritious meals. Therefore, one of the benefits of health food supplements is that taking these supplements is a quick and easy way to make sure that we are still getting the proper nutrients in our diets.
Dietary supplements, popularly known as food supplement or nutritional supplement, is a preparation to supplement the diet and supply nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids that may be missing or may not be consumed in sufficient quantity in a person's diet. Some countries define dietary supplements as foods, while in others they are defined as drugs or natural health products. The problem with most people is that they judge their health on how they feel. Just because one feels healthy and in perfect fit now, does not mean he or she does not require supplements.
When illness, a health problem, a sign of old age, weakness suddenly strikes, one begins to search for a dietary or herbal supplement. One definitely needs nutritional supplements. First of all, health and diet supplements help to overcome nutritional deficiencies. One needs all the nutrients in their proper amounts for optimum health. Since daily diets can not provide all of them, nutritional supplements can fulfill those requirements. Health and diet supplements also help to improve our immune system. The stronger our immune system, the more resistant our body can be against disease. One probably knows that taking Vitamin C can help one to avoid colds and related illnesses. This is exactly how useful supplementation is.
Dietary supplements are also useful in getting rid of the toxins which we take in everyday. Supplements like anti-oxidants can help our body to keep toxins to a minimum. There are much more benefits that health and diet supplements can provide. These supplements help one to have the optimum health one deserves and minimize the risk of diseases. Today's dietary supplements are not only vitamins and minerals. They also include other less familiar substances, such as herbals, botanicals, amino acids, and enzymes. The increasing abundance of diet supplements on the shelves of mainstreams shops, supermarkets and pharmacies is an indication of a growing awareness of health issues in our society.

Saturday 9 May 2015

                                           Essential 10 tips. Do you have more ?

Dental Health and Diet - Can Good Nutrition Help Prevent Tooth Decay?

Recommend Article
Before the introduction of modern dentistry, people suffered from tooth ache, which gave way to tooth decay and later on, tooth loss. Today, despite the advances in dentistry, children and adult are still afflicted with tooth decay. There are several factors that are attributed to it.
One factor is hygiene especially oral hygiene, which is sometimes neglected. Often people forget to brush their teeth regularly or before going to bed. At times, people have snacks at midnight and find it very laborious to brush their teeth once more.
Another reason is the lack of visit to the dentist. People are afraid of seeing a dentist either by the indifference they feel or the cost that comes with it.
To know more about this subject, it is wise to know the components of tooth and the process of tooth decay.
Our tooth is composed of Enamel, Dentin, Gum tissue and the Pulp chamber that have blood vessels and nerves in it. The bacteria in our mouth, which dwell mostly on food particles, convert sugar into acids. These acids attack the enamel rendering it permeable. When the soft part collapses, it forms into cavity, or caries. Over time, it develops into tooth decay upon reaching the central pulp.
The worst happens when the plaque-forming bacteria hardens and becomes tartar. This inflames the gum and makes the tooth loose.
Dental Health and Our Diet
Diet plays an important role in achieving and maintaining good set of teeth. A healthful lifestyle and good nutrition must be founded from pregnancy and continued on to the breastfeeding stage, and further on, to childhood and adulthood. Health experts have identified the culprits - the frequency and amount of sugar we intake and the chewy and sticky foods.
To maintain good teeth, the following foods are recommended:
Milk rich in calcium
Cheese (it stimulates saliva reduction, which neutralizes acids)
Raw vegetables
Aside from foods high in sugar content, drinking acidic beverages should also be minimized.
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Friday 8 May 2015

would you follow her  advice?

Good Health and Exercise

Have you ever heard people talking about fitness? What actually is fitness? Fitness is the real wealth that affects many aspects of our life. You are provided with the inner beauty, strength and vitality needed to overcome all the stress in your lives. In recent decades people have become aware of the importance of being fit.
Fitness and exercising are inter-related to each other. There are many exercises and benefits of exercises vary depending on the way you adopt them. You can undertake the exercise regime at your home or any room of your place can be converted into makeshift gym area. You can start yourself with simple push-ups, sit-ups or crunches without investing a single penny.

Certain exercises require some equipment. If you have, you can invest your time to any gym for some specific exercises. But if you are busy-bee don't feel let down. You can make it at your own place. For cardio, you can use the simple rope from your basement, though cheap but very effective. For very little investment you can get a treadmill or an exercise bikes.
Now if you feel yourself as gym buff opt for different fitness equipments that are useful for particular target areas of your body. For optimal results always be sure to take advice from your instructor as he may guide you with the length of time to be involved to use them. As many equipments are available in the market to fetch you with your needs. It is always a wise decision to get them as you can use them as per your convenience.
Did you ever know that fitness and exercise beat hypertension? Many of you might be stressed due to your daily hectic routine. Exercise is far better option to beat any physical problem. You can strengthen your heart muscles as well as limb muscles. This way you can beat the problem of hypertension. You can make the proper connections between broken down and normal vessels as exercise helps to improve supply of blood to your heart tissues.
Make a slow and steady start and make a possible report of your exercise program. Learn your limits for exertion. Exercise has to be done on a regular occurrence for at least three times a week. Make it a point to use your common sense while exercising and stay within your limits. You will achieve best in your results and stay at your peak for longer period of healthy life.

Thursday 7 May 2015

It is complicated but sounds promising. Will you follow this advise?

The Reason Why High Carb Diets Will Not Work

In reading various publications, there seems to be considerable backlash against low-carb diets. The Atkins Diet, popular in the 1970's as a low carbohydrate, fat burning answer to weight loss has made a comeback in some circles, and many publications have come back with the argument that it will not work for long-term fat loss. We are in agreement. But the argument seems to go that if low carbs are a bad thing, high carb diets are a good thing, especially for athletes training for endurance. We would like to illustrate the reason why high carb diets will not work.
With what we have been told in the past few years, carbohydrates are the good guys of nutrition. As a result, people have been devouring breads, cereals, and pastas to drive their percentage of carbs to total calories above 75%, and cutting back on fats. The result is people are eating less fat and getting fatter. Eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates, when they are converted to sugars, are easily converted to storage in excess body fat, as the total that can be stored as glycogen before it turns to fat, even for trained athletes, is only about 1200 calories worth. For the average person, perhaps 400 grams can be stored in the muscle, and another 70 to 90 grams in the liver. So why would you want to consume more than you are capable of storing?
So what actually happens when you start eating those carbohydrates? First, glycogen levels are filled for both the muscle, to promote growth and repair, and liver, to keep the brain working properly. As we pointed out earlier, that doesn't account for that much, maybe a couple of cups of pasta. After that, it's all surplus. With the rapid rise in blood glucose, the pancreas secretes additional amounts of the hormone insulin into the bloodstream. Since insulin's job is to get it out of the bloodstream, it sends it into long term storage, which are fat cells. The result is, even though you haven't consumed one morsel of fat, and carbohydrates themselves are fat-free, is the body puts on fat, which is the reason why high carb diets will not work. To make matters worse, as insulin levels signal the body to store more fat, because it thinks it is in famine mode it won't release the fat you already have in storage.
Do you wonder why you get hungry perhaps two hours after a high carbohydrate meal? As has been pointed out, insulin's job is to quickly lower the blood sugar level. That accomplished, blood sugar is low, and cravings, usually for sweets, kick in. If you don't satisfy those yearnings, your mood turns sour and you feel like crashing, all the while not burning any stored fat while your energy levels plummet. So the answer to why high carb diets will not work is because they do not moderate insulin response. By limiting or eliminating the intake of refined sugars and keeping carbohydrates on a moderate level, about 40% of the diet, you can avoid those disastrous insulin spikes. Generally, non-carbohydrate foods, that is proteins and the so-called good fats, do not produce as much insulin. Also, natural fiber can minimize the insulin response.

In the final analysis, high carbohydrate diets will not work, but neither will low or no-carb diets. Carbohydrates are neither the devil nor a panacea for fat loss, but must be in balance with the rest of your diet. But remember, carbohydrates don't come from just sweets and pasta, but from fruits and vegetables as well as a number of different foods, and most if not all of them have other characteristics that have more overall positive qualities. We hope you will use them to the greatest advantage.
There is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to have the nutrition experts control your diet, and still consume delicious meals, and that is with meal delivery plans through

Wednesday 6 May 2015

It looks delicious and healthy. How do you eat if you are a  vegan?

Carbohydrate - Cycling and Fat-Loss 


A low to moderate carbohydrate and high protein diet will cause much faster fat loss than a high carbohydrate diet. However, it may seem like the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. Fortunately, there's a solution to these problems and it's called "carbohydrate cycling." Some people refer to carbohydrate cycling as "zig-zag" dieting, "Hi-low" dieting, "carbing-up" or carbohydrate "re-feeding."
Regardless of what you name it; carbohydrate cycling is probably the most powerful fat burning strategy on the planet. Nothing else even comes close. It is the ONLY guaranteed way to outwit the body's starvation response when calories and carbohydrates are low. Not only do you avoid a negative response, but you also invoke many positive responses that do not occur when holding your carbohydrates and calories at the same low level day in and day out. That's the main problem with conventional low carbohydrate diets - they suggest that you drop your carbohydrates and keep them low. What I am suggesting is that you drop your carbohydrates for a few days, then increase them again before your body figures out what the heck is going on!
Carbohydrate cycling has been a well-kept secret of bodybuilders and fitness models for decades, but anyone can use it to accelerate fat loss or break a plateau. The beauty of this method is that it allows you to get all the fat loss benefits of low carbohydrate dieting without the low carbohydrate side effects. Most important, it keeps your metabolism elevated and prevents you from going into starvation mode.
Why you shouldn't stay on Low Carbohydrates for more than three days in a row?
After three days in a row on low carbohydrates, your glycogen levels will be almost completely depleted. If you were to continue on low carbohydrates for a fourth day, fifth day, or beyond, you would notice your energy and training intensity begin to diminish. You would also notice that your muscles would "flatten out" and become softer. Your metabolic rate would begin to slow down and your thyroid gland would decrease its output of thyroid hormone. Basically, your diet would become less and less effective the longer you stayed on low carbohydrates beyond the three day period. Your body is so "smart," it simply makes changes in physiology and metabolism to compensate for the prolonged lack of carbohydrates (which it interprets as starvation). That's why you have to "shake things up" and keep your body off guard by throwing in a high carbohydrate day every fourth day.
High days and Low Days

Carbohydrate cycling is based on the concept of rotating low carbohydrate days with high carbohydrate days instead of keeping carbohydrates low all the time. Every fourth day your glycogen levels are restored with a "carb load" or "high carb day" (also known as "high day"). Your energy stays up, your muscles fill out and tighten and your metabolic rate gets a boost as if you squirted lighter fluid on a dwindling fire.
The high day also makes your entire diet easier to stick with because no matter how difficult it is to get through those three low days, you have a "high day" to look forward to (Believe me, eating all those yummy carbs after three days without them is like getting a "high!"). The "high day" also bypasses all the side effects. You get noticeably leaner with every three-day low carbohydrate cycle as your body dips deeply into stored body fat without the carbohydrates readily available for fuel. Surprisingly, you may even continue to get leaner even on the high carbohydrate days because of the boost in metabolic rate.
Carbohydrate cycling also prevents your body from becoming inefficient at using carbohydrates for energy. When you cut your carbohydrates out for a long time, your body begins depending on fat for fuel and it learns how to use fat for fuel more efficiently. You often hear low carbohydrate diet proponents say that the low carbohydrate diet turns you into a "fat burner" while a high carbohydrate dieter turns you into a "sugar burner." This may be true, but there's a huge downside to staying on low carbohydrates all the time and becoming an exclusive "fat burner:" Your body becomes lazy and inefficient at burning carbohydrates. When you eat them again after a long absence, your body doesn't know what to do with them. This is one of the reasons you will simply blow up overnight and gain weight back the minute you re-introduce carbohydrates after a long absence. Unless you plan on never eating a carbohydrate ever again, you'd better think twice about long-term carbohydrate restriction. Low carbohydrate diets are NOT "lifestyle" programs.
What's the alternative? Carbohydrate load every fourth day. When you carbohydrate load a depleted muscle, the carbohydrates are quickly soaked up by the muscle on that fourth day because the muscles are "hungry" for carbohydrates. By repeated cycles of depletion and re-loading, your muscles become extremely efficient at storing carbohydrates as muscle glycogen rather than partitioning them to body fat.
As you get Leaner and Leaner, you may find that you Lose Weight too Quickly on the
3:1 carbohydrate cycling plan (no kidding!) It's not a wise idea to lose more than 1.5 to 2.0 lbs of body weight per week. If you lose more than two pounds per week, you are much more likely to be losing LBM with the fat.
If you lose lean mass or drop weight too quickly, you should adjust your high to low day ratio by increasing your carbohydrates (and calories) overall or by keeping your low days the same and adding more high days. You can do three low carbohydrate days followed by two or three high carbohydrate days. Taking two or three high days after three low days will not only help reduce muscle loss, it may allow you to gain small amounts of muscle as you lose body fat.

Monday 4 May 2015

Diet and Health - The Motivation For Weight Loss

We all know that diet and health go hand in hand. Yet most people eat junk and are unhealthy. And those that do decide to try to get healthy often use "fad" diets. These microwave dinner diets are the lazy and unhealthy solution to weight problems. They are loaded with chemicals and preservatives and will not be effective long-term.
"If you want things in your life to change, you need to change the things in your life."
Diet and health is quite simple. The only diet that is healthy is one that includes organic fruits, vegetables, and nuts. I don't care what you look right now if you start eating organic fruits and vegetables for three weeks you will lose weight, your overall health will sky-rocket and you will feel better than you ever have before.
Here Are Some Easy Steps That Can Help You Succeed
To make a drastic diet change like this is not easy, but it can be done with the right combination of vision and desire. One of the most important steps in achieving perfect diet health that is often ignored is the concept of visualization.
You need to visualize what you want your body to look like, not what it looks like right now, and feel how you would feel if you were already really healthy. Believe it or not this mental exercise, if done for fifteen minutes a day, will drastically improve your motivation to eat right and exercise.
Trying on clothes that don't fit is also great diet and health motivation. Don't get frustrated that they don't fit, try to "feel" how happy you will be when you do fit into them. Imagine how others will look at you in those new clothes. Soon enough you will be able to fit into those clothes and your motivation to eat right and watch your health will be self-sustaining.
How To Keep Diet And Health A Priority
 Your overall health should be your primary focus. Why? Because it makes you feel good. And there is nothing that is more rewarding than feeling good.
When you feel good all aspects of your life improve. This is what should really inspire you.
Have Someone Hold You Accountable
Improve your diet and health with someone else. If you can work with someone else, or at the least have someone you know keep you accountable by keeping track of your progress, you will find the motivation you need to get healthy.
The tips provided above are intended to make you realize that the only thing keeping you from achieving a perfect diet and health is you. If you don't like what you are seeing in the mirror everyday you need to make some fundamental changes in your lifestyle. If you do make the right changes and stick to them, I promise that in due time you will feel better than you have ever felt before

Sunday 3 May 2015

Here is a  recipe for stop you developing Alzheimer’s disease.   What is your method to increase the capacity of your brain?

Friday 1 May 2015

Will you be able to follow all these?

Does Your Health and Diet Need a Make Over?

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We could all do with a bit of a make over when it comes to our health and diet. Do you ever stop to listen to your body and what it is telling you. When was the last time you had a good look at yourself? Are you always tired? Does your hair, skin and nails look shocking? It could be that in trying to lose weight you are robbing your body of good nutrition. Often thirst is mistaken for hunger so drink at least two liters of water every day. A good idea is to drink a glass of water before you have a meal, it will help with digestion and and you will eat less. A craving for salt means that you need to increase your natural fat intake by eating a handful of nuts. A high protein and low fat diet interferes with your hormonal balance especially your thyroid which controls your appetite, weight and bowel functions. Here are a few categories of unhealthy eaters.

The Junk Food Junkie.
Do you reach for a hamburger and chips for lunch or grab a piece of pizza for a snack. You can then classify as a junk food junkie. You do not have to cut junk food out completely but moderation is the key. Try to limit your intake to one hundred and fifty calories or less a day. Portion controlled snacks like mini bags of chips, an ice cream sandwich or a mini sweet bar are fine. Keep healthy snacks within easy reach when the munchies set in. Try an apple or a handful of nuts.
The Meal Skipper.
If you are a meal skipper you are in dire need of a nutrition make over. Each time you eat you increase your metabolism. if you go for longer than 4 hours not eating your body will slow down and store fat instead of burning it up. If time is a factor you need to create fast meals that wont take you from your desk, children or the gym. Keep your car, desk and lunch box filled with fruit, nuts and yogurt that you can grab on the go. Diet shakes and prepared meals are also quick and easy.
The Fat Free Fanatic.
Do you flee from fat? When you cut out all the fat in your diet your body will start to hoard body fat because you are not getting enough from your diet. You also tend to be more hungry and eat more fat free anything and eat too much of those things. When you add fat you feel fuller. To changed you need to add a slice of cheese to your sandwich or peanut butter instead of margarine. Fat adds flavour to a meal.
The Carbohydrate Phobia.
If you break out into a sweat over carbohydrates, remember that carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which is your brains main source of fuel. When you cut carbohydrates your focus is off your energy is low and you tire easily. Eat smart and avoid cutting all carbohydrates from your diet as you will be losing out on all the vitamins, minerals and fiber plus the disease fighting antioxidants in fruit and vegetables. Load up with whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta.
The Emotional Eater.
Stress makes you grab whatever you can to drown your sorrows. First of all you have to realize you are doing it. Ask yourself if you are eating through hunger and not through emotion. You are so used to this habit and you need to replace the food craving for a more positive activity. Call a friend, go shopping or take the dog for a walk. You also need to keep a journal and note when and why you are reaching for a snack. This will uncover emotional eating patterns. To keep your moods on an even keel try to eat six small meals a day. Keep in mind that each meal should contain protein and high fiber carbohydrates because these give you a sense of fullness and keep your blood glucose and moods more constant.
Did you recognize your eating pattern? Good then you are halfway there. Remember everything in moderation. Here are some serving guidelines to help you. Your portion of meat should no be bigger than a deck of cards, your rice, potatoes and fruit no bigger than a tennis ball and your salad greens the size of your fist. Most important drink water, its often said that by the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Eating is not only beneficial to your waistline it play a huge role in the appearance of your skin.