Wednesday 29 April 2015

Less Known Health and Diet Information

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There are some things that once you know them, they really can't be forgotten. I will now enlighten you, in regards to some health and diet information that is a "must know", yet is for some reason they're little known.
First of all, maybe you knew drinking enough water does a wealth of good for you, but did you know that just drinking water alone, helps your body burn more calories? Start taking a multi-vitamin, and you'll be burning another 4% more calories on top of that. So just getting enough water, and a multi-vitamin daily will turn your body into a calorie burning machine compared to the latter.

Those are some neat little facts, but lets get to the good stuff. You ARE lactose intolerant. Did you every notice we are the ONLY mammals on the face of the planet that drink milk past the gestation period? I mean aside from cats that occasionally drink milk when we give it to them, there exists NO mammal that drinks milk past gestation. That is because after gestation, your body sheds or loses the enzyme(s) required to digest milk. Only a hand full of people show the effects in a physically observable way, and those are the people labeled lactose intolerant. So now you're asking yourself, "well how does he expect me to get my calcium" and "well what about vitamin D", and I am eager to answer these for you.
As far as the vitamin D that your body needs, well that should take you roughly 2 minutes of pleasure, as you let the sun kiss your face any beautiful day. That is right, just 2 minutes of natural sunlight on your face in a day, will give you 100% of the vitamin D that you need. This should not be taken as an excuse to never ingest vitamin D again, I'm simply attempting to give some very simple alternatives to drinking milk. Calcium, this is obviously essential to a healthy body. Did you know that ounce per ounce, there is far more calcium in cabbage than in milk?

One more thing I want to touch on as far as milk in our daily lives. There is a saying which is of an eastern philosophy about milk which reads "drink it alone, or leave it alone". This is because your stomach is full of acid, and when milk comes into contact with any type of acid it curdles. Now curdled milk digests about as well as gum. So you eat that beautiful and nutritional meal, and then you wash it all down with a tall glass of cold milk; you have just done two terrible things to that meal, your digestive process, and the nutritional value of the meal. First, the curdled milk coats all of the food you have chewed and swallowed which prevents it's full and proper digestion. Second of all, the milk you drink that was nice and cold, cools down your entire stomach and contents, and your body will NOT digest anything until it is body temperature, so you have also delayed digestion which means that food is just sitting and rotting until the temperature is correct. A great deal of not so main stream health and diet information can be found in a book called "The Tao of Sex, Health, and Longevity" which is written by Daniel Reid. This book is found at most book stores like or Borders.
I hope you have found this information to be of value, as I know this simple yet profound data really helped me.
To your health, and your happiness.

What do you think is it suitable for child's  lunch box?

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Food, Drink and Sleep

Food and drink, like sleep, are an essential part of living a healthy and fulfilling life, but we often forget that our body works as a whole. Most of us, for example, fail to acknowledge the effect of alcohol, caffeine and rich food might have on our patterns of sleep, I feel frustrated when we sleep the requisite amount of time yet don't feel refreshed.
In the city, most people are unwilling to live entirely abstemious life. Try wrestling with a cup of cappuccino from the hands of caffeine addict just before they leave for work will begin to appreciate how many of us rely on such props to help us make it through the day. With that in mind, it's worth admitting your weaknesses and planning out your daily diet sensibly to avoid the food and drinks they keep you awake and to begin to appreciate more soporific foods later in the day.
Sleep and weight
For those trying to lose weight, and sleep can be essential. A recent study at Columbia University in New York indicates that there is a link between sleep and the US obesity epidemic. The research suggests that the more you sleep, the less likely you are to become obese. People who get less than the recommended amount of sleep each night to 73% more likely to be obese although, obviously, obesity is also usually the result of several other lifestyle factors. It has also been proved that there is a connection between middle-aged spread in men and equality of sleep they have., During sleep, produce growth hormone. This hormone maintains meaningless muscle tone, but it decreases naturally with age, as does the amount of sleep and need. The problem is, if they don't fill their sleep needs, they won't be getting as much of the growth hormone as they could - thus speeding the arrival of the stomach paunch.
The bad stuff
Caffeine, and beverages such as tea, coffee and fizzy drinks, will keep you awake well into the night if you let it, you need to enjoy your last cut at least five hours before bedtime. The same goes for heavy, rich foods. Although scientists say that there are no direct chemical reasons why such foods should keep you awake, your digestive system still needs to break down food. As this is one of the functions of the body shuts down during sleep, it can keep you up, or affect your sleep quality, until it has finished its work so rich meal with alcohol at 10 PM is not the best idea; neither stimulating meals that contains spicy foods, onions or peppers, which can give you indigestion and delay the onset of sleep.

As a general, you should try to avoid the following foods later at night:
  1. Fatty foods may cause heartburn, which leads to difficulty in falling asleep and discomfort throughout the night.
  2. Foods containing tyramine (bacon, cheese, ham, aubergines (eggplant), pepperoni, Rothbury's, avocado, soya sauce, red wine) might keep you awake at night. To remain causes the release of norepinephrine, the brain stimulant.
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Friday 24 April 2015

Your diet should consists of  these foods, so you should consider to  have  them in  your eating plan.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 7 Days   by Robert John

While most people start cycling for different reasons, two common benefits to taking part in the sport are increased fitness and staying trim. But just because you ride your bike a few times a week doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want to. In fact, most beginning cyclists make the mistake of overeating because they feel good about the exercise that they've done, making the workout counter productive to weight loss.

Considering that obesity has gone global, you can imagine how lucrative the weight loss industry must be. There is always someone coming out with the latest diet book, telling us what we should and shouldn't do to look thinner, younger, and more radiant and full of life.
Don't skip breakfast
Research shows eating breakfast helps you control your weight. Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight, but missing meals doesn't help us lose weight and isn't good for us as we can miss out on essential nutrients. It could also encourage us to snack more throughout the day because you feel hungry.
Drink plenty of water
Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all.
Eat regular meals
Some people think missing meals will help them lose weight, but it's been shown eating regularly during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.
Watch what you eat
Keep a watchful eye on every thing that goes in. Sometimes the garnishes can richer than the food itself. Accompaniments too can be very rich. Remember that it is the easiest thing in the world to eat something without realizing that it was something that you should not have eaten.
Quit snacking in between meals
Do not fall for snacks in between meals. This is especially true for those who have to travel a lot. They feel that the only time they can get a bite to eat is snacks and junk food. The main problem with most snacks and junk food is that they are usually less filling and contain a lot of fat and calories. Just think about French fries tempting but terribly fattening.
Read food labels
Knowing how to read food labels can help you choose healthier options, and keep a check on the amount of calories, fat, salt and sugars you eat. Use the calorie information to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie allowance on the weight loss plan.
Get more active
Studies show regular activity is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing numerous health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

What Are Power Foods - Tips for Healthy Skin?   by Terry Valdez

There is an egotistical desire for many to look younger and feel younger. A lot of advertising money is poured into the personal care industry and cosmetic industry every year. In fact, $10 billion USD is spent annually on cosmetics. Cosmetics is an industry geared at advertising the enhancement of beauty. Their general target is women.
It is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate the chemicals placed into cosmetics. The thousands of chemicals found in these products are highly absorbable. The reason why beauty companies and personal care companies can add these ingredients is that they require no government review or approval.
In my article, "Dangerous Chemicals In Makeup - A Look Into 4 Toxic Chemicals" I go into more detail regarding these toxic chemicals. But, this article is going to review some healthier ways of looking your best without having to use cosmetics. This article will review four power foods that can help to enhance your beauty and your skin the natural way. Power foods are foods that provide nourishment and nutrition towards the skin. This nourishment will promote glowing skin naturally enhancing the beauty of an individual. Here are some foods that are tips for healthy skin.

Olive Oil and Olives
Why Olives? Well, olives are known for oils which have the highest natural source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to nourish the skin by repairing connective tissue. The healthy fats in olive oil work together to keep the skin smooth and to boost the immune system.
Green and crunchy, cucumbers are high in silicon. One tip about eating cucumbers make sure that they are organic, because they are often grown with pesticides and waxed in stores. It is also important to note that cucumbers are fantastic for cleansing the body.
Radishes play an important role in connective tissue formation. The importance of creating connective tissue formation is to work together to create glowing skin. The nourishment that the radish includes a high content in sulfur, silicon and vitamin C.
Most of us can think of avocados as a side dish often used in guacamole, but there are reasons why people need to consume avocados. They are abundant in vitamins and minerals that are crucial towards the development of the body and the skin. These vitamins and minerals include: beta - carotene, lutein, vitamins B6, C, E, K, selenium, zinc, folate, potassium, glutathione and healthy fats to nourish the body and skin.
Tips for Healthy Skin - Complete Nourishment
These foods provide many of the vitamins and minerals needed to provide nourishment towards the body. But, have you ever heard of the term juicing? Juicing is when you mix all the vegetables and fruits together in order for an individual to receive their daily nourishment. However, the problem with nourishment is that it can be expensive; because you would have to buy all these fruits and vegetables to meet your daily needs. Eating healthy and fresh foods is said to be the best way to receive your vitamins and minerals to the body. The reason why it is better to consume organic foods is because it is much easily absorbed by the body. Hence, juicing is a popular way to receive your nourishment.
If you would like to learn how to receive 90+ verifiable vitamins and minerals in one product, and learn how to stay healthy with one organic product, then click get organic.
For a free report, and if you would like to learn how to be rewarded using proper nutrition then click here.
Mr. Terry Valdez is a professional marketer dedicated to the success of personal growth; financial growth; and health and wellness of individuals. His passions are educating people towards healthier lifestyles while helping people towards a financially free future. To download his free report, please click here to learn on how you can gain a healthier lifestyle that can lead towards financial freedom.

About the Author

Terry Valdez is a professional marketer, health and wellness adviser; and professional writer that helps people live a much more fulfilling lifestyle. You can contact me at my office in North Dakota at 701.575.0155 to learn on how you can live a much healthier lifestyle; and I can do a free 1-on-1 consultation on how to live that healthier lifestyle. Or, you can download my free report here. food,

Sunday 19 April 2015

Fresh Salad Is a Healthier Snack   by Mazen Hawa

Nothing can be better that a fresh salad in a hot summer day! The added advantage of having a salad is that they will not be adding extra calories that you detest or at least crave to reduce. Many of us try to cut down on calories and end up every week, with a new one because we have left it somewhere in the middle. The primary culprit behind this is that mid-time snack we splurge on and enjoy, to feel guilty later on. Even though we know it is not good to have that extra bowl of cheesy fries, we just indulge, because nothing else is in front of us.
The best way to stop this craving is to find some great salad to enjoy and cut down calories. I know, salad may not sound as interesting and exciting as a cheesy fry, but there are ways in which we can make it colourful.
Salad, although brings to our mind of those mixtures of veggies, fruits and all that nourishing nuts, may not sound so tempting when we are ravenous. However, when we give it a gentle twist to it and have every ingredient put together to make it more scrumptious, it can turn out to be a great snack to have and relish.
There are ways in which you can make a salad mouthwatering and delicious:
€ Fresh salads made of just fruits and vegetables may not sound so tempting. A small amount of your favourite dressing added to it, can add on to its appeal.
€ Nuts are nourishing and contain far fewer calories than our cheesy fry. Add a handful of mixed nuts, to make that a significant twist in the middle. This salad can make a healthy, nutritious snack.
€ Why not add a few pieces of meat, lean pieces, to make it nutritious, but at the same time, not calorie full.

There are many other ways by which you can mix and match to produce some outstanding salads. If you do not have enough ingredients, try out some salad joints, which specialise especially in this healthy snack item. is one of the leading online Salad destinations in Dubai offering its signature salad.
A fresh salad is always refreshing and easy to fix up a snack or a main meal. One can have salad everyday and still be greedy. The secret lies in how you fix it up and make it interesting and fascinating every day.

About the Author

Richys cafeteria JLT is one of the leading online Salad destinations in Dubai offering its signature- Create your own salad. also offers wholesome salad recipes like chicken caesar salad, nicoise salad, mixed fruit salad, diet food, chicken salads, classic salads and other that will bring you a whole new level of palatable. 

Saturday 18 April 2015

Physical Fitness Techniques For A Thinner And Younger You   by Nichole Shedden

Nichole Shedden
Whether you are attempting to hop-begin your exercise routine or maybe attempting to keep it on course, including several clean tips to you exercise case of tricks are often very successful. Check out the following tips to locate some tips which might be just what you need to allow you to get even closer your main goal.
If you would like improve your fitness but don't have dollars for the health club regular membership or extravagant fitness equipment, don't fret. There are numerous exercise routines that you can do without needing any kind of this. You are able to manage, stroll, do is situated or press-ups. Don't allow too little dollars enter the right path of looking and feeling excellent.
A simple way to work out your ab muscles whilst doing every other process is always to carry in or flex your ab muscle groups. Doing this relocate by itself can, sometimes, be equal to carrying out a rest up. Performing it when exercising or perhaps just jogging, helps strengthen the abs muscle tissue and boosts healthy posture, since it is strengthening your primary muscles.
When training for strength, the others you practice involving collections, determines how your muscle tissue will develop. Should you be looking to build muscle tissue and have bulky, your rest time among sets should be much longer. If you are looking to construct energy and get slimmer, far more shaped muscle groups, your relax time ought to be reduced.

In the event you have a tendency to go walking a good deal, a great general guideline in swapping your shoes or shoes or boots is replacing them each and every 250-500 mls of wandering. Doing this will make sure you get the most from your exercise program so you won't harm your thighs by wearing shoes or boots with missing out on components or bad support.
The frequency of which you energy coach will depend on the objectives you may have set for your self. If you wish to create stronger groups of muscles, you need to conduct strength training sessions less frequently. However if you're seeking to chisel leaner, far more sculpted muscle groups, then up the volume of weight training workout routines you obtain in.
To increase your stamina, inhale and exhale completely and out of your diaphragm once you workout, especially when operating. This boosts your o2 intake along with your lung ability and allows you to workout much longer. If you don't know how to inhale from your diaphragm, you are able to lay down and put something on the stomach, then training so that it is increase and fall as you take in and breathe out.
Jogging: We all do it each day, but there's a high probability that we could be doing the work considerably more. Even small adjustments with your everyday amount of actions can bring about weight loss. Attempt parking following the good deal, taking the stairways rather than escalator, or simply just taking a relaxing stroll around the block.
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The vacation season can ruin your workout regimen. Should you can provide an agenda it helps you stay on track. Analyze your holiday plan and find out the time you are offered to invest hitting the gym. This will assist help you stay in good shape during the stressful holiday period.
You possibly can make your thighs and legs stronger by undertaking your regular lower leg ab crunches in change. This will cause whatever leg you might have at the front to acquire a excellent total muscle tissue exercise routine. These crunches are virtually exactly like the regular leg ab crunches, apart from you are not stepping frontward, you might be moving backward.
If you are not really a morning individual and you would like to create a morning physical exercise practice, start with a task that doesn't even look like exercise. For example, for the initial several weeks, go for a nice outside move that doesn't require that you change into health and fitness dress in. After that thing you realize, you body can have built a routine and you could development to some a lot more strong workout.
Understand what Kenyans because of coach to perform and acquire marathons. They coach at different speeds which get his or her coaching advances. You need to begin gradually for that initially thirdly of your operate, go at a more standard tempo for your personal midst next, and then much faster for the past third of your respective work. Increase your speed by steadily starting speedier and faster, which will at some point raise all of your current speeds.
Creating and keeping using a healthier fitness routine is an important part for any well being program. At times somebody struggles with just starting out though. On this page, we now have talked about a few of the leading tips to help you kick start your health and fitness prepare. Utilize them nicely and initiate doing exercises today.
About the Author
35 year-old Financial Traders Neil Jain from Waterdown, has hobbies such as sun tanning, agility ladder exercises and base jumping. Is a travel enthusiast and lately took a vacation to Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region.
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