Tuesday 21 April 2015

What Are Power Foods - Tips for Healthy Skin?   by Terry Valdez

There is an egotistical desire for many to look younger and feel younger. A lot of advertising money is poured into the personal care industry and cosmetic industry every year. In fact, $10 billion USD is spent annually on cosmetics. Cosmetics is an industry geared at advertising the enhancement of beauty. Their general target is women.
It is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate the chemicals placed into cosmetics. The thousands of chemicals found in these products are highly absorbable. The reason why beauty companies and personal care companies can add these ingredients is that they require no government review or approval.
In my article, "Dangerous Chemicals In Makeup - A Look Into 4 Toxic Chemicals" I go into more detail regarding these toxic chemicals. But, this article is going to review some healthier ways of looking your best without having to use cosmetics. This article will review four power foods that can help to enhance your beauty and your skin the natural way. Power foods are foods that provide nourishment and nutrition towards the skin. This nourishment will promote glowing skin naturally enhancing the beauty of an individual. Here are some foods that are tips for healthy skin.

Olive Oil and Olives
Why Olives? Well, olives are known for oils which have the highest natural source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to nourish the skin by repairing connective tissue. The healthy fats in olive oil work together to keep the skin smooth and to boost the immune system.
Green and crunchy, cucumbers are high in silicon. One tip about eating cucumbers make sure that they are organic, because they are often grown with pesticides and waxed in stores. It is also important to note that cucumbers are fantastic for cleansing the body.
Radishes play an important role in connective tissue formation. The importance of creating connective tissue formation is to work together to create glowing skin. The nourishment that the radish includes a high content in sulfur, silicon and vitamin C.
Most of us can think of avocados as a side dish often used in guacamole, but there are reasons why people need to consume avocados. They are abundant in vitamins and minerals that are crucial towards the development of the body and the skin. These vitamins and minerals include: beta - carotene, lutein, vitamins B6, C, E, K, selenium, zinc, folate, potassium, glutathione and healthy fats to nourish the body and skin.
Tips for Healthy Skin - Complete Nourishment
These foods provide many of the vitamins and minerals needed to provide nourishment towards the body. But, have you ever heard of the term juicing? Juicing is when you mix all the vegetables and fruits together in order for an individual to receive their daily nourishment. However, the problem with nourishment is that it can be expensive; because you would have to buy all these fruits and vegetables to meet your daily needs. Eating healthy and fresh foods is said to be the best way to receive your vitamins and minerals to the body. The reason why it is better to consume organic foods is because it is much easily absorbed by the body. Hence, juicing is a popular way to receive your nourishment.
If you would like to learn how to receive 90+ verifiable vitamins and minerals in one product, and learn how to stay healthy with one organic product, then click get organic.
For a free report, and if you would like to learn how to be rewarded using proper nutrition then click here.
Mr. Terry Valdez is a professional marketer dedicated to the success of personal growth; financial growth; and health and wellness of individuals. His passions are educating people towards healthier lifestyles while helping people towards a financially free future. To download his free report, please click here to learn on how you can gain a healthier lifestyle that can lead towards financial freedom.

About the Author

Terry Valdez is a professional marketer, health and wellness adviser; and professional writer that helps people live a much more fulfilling lifestyle. You can contact me at my office in North Dakota at 701.575.0155 to learn on how you can live a much healthier lifestyle; and I can do a free 1-on-1 consultation on how to live that healthier lifestyle. Or, you can download my free report here.
http://goarticles.com/article/What-Are-Power-Foods-Tips-for-Healthy-Skin/10061771/organic food,

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