Saturday 22 July 2017

Oatmeal pancake
Healthy heart meal

It is an easy to make gluten- and lactose- free cake.

Ingredients for 2 persons:

Gluten-free oat porridge
1 mug, 250 ml grated fine
Handful grated
2 medium
1 tsp*
1 cut
1 cup
Coconut oil
1 tbsp*
Honey optional
2 tbsp*

tsp   teaspoon
tbsp  tablespoon

·       Making this pancake I use a blender, a  smoothie maker 
·       Grate the oatmeal and the nuts together
·       Add the eggs, cut apple and blend them together
·       Add the water, cinnamon and ½ tbsp coconut oil
·       Coconut oil evenly a pancake dish with a small nut-size coconut oil
·       Fry the pancakes
·       Easiest way to bake the top side in the grill oven   - the pancake isn’t elastic, so you face to a little difficulty with turning it up-side down-
·       You can serve it with a little honey.

Coconut oil is healthier for frying with. 

Friday 14 July 2017

Pretty Foods
Ms H

The flowers add splashes of colours to complete the pictorial magnetism of a garden. The edible flowers can make your dinner plate colourful and appealing in the same way. Most of occasion only the petals of the flowers should be eaten. Harvest the flowers early in the morning and if you are not using them right away, keep the stem attached to the flowers and place them in water. This will keep them from wilting. Make sure the flowers you eat have been grown specially for eating and have not been treated with any pesticides.

  • Herb flowers:  they make great additions to salads and any dish where herb is use
     Example: flowers of basil, chives, fennel and garlic.

  • ·      Dandelion: the young and tender flowers are the best.

  • ·      Pansy: the most popular edible flower, which has a minty flavour.

  • ·      Gem Marigold: they have very bright colour and citrus flavour.

  • ·    Pot Marigold: the petals can be eaten fresh or cooked it can be used in place of saffron for colouring dishes.

  • ·      Daylily: the flowers are stuffed

  • ·      Squash Blossom:  they are often stuffed with cheese and fried.  

  • ·      Borage: their blue flowers often used in salad

Saturday 8 July 2017

Hot Weather and Alcohol Feasting
Ms H

We are currently having a hot weather in Europa. A cool alcoholic drink may seem like a good way to chill out and relax on a hot summer day however, there are many potential disadvantages. In summer more events are such as festivals, weddings or getting together with friends and family. You could enjoy yourself if you know your limits and keep the followings in your mind: 3-4 units/ day for a men and 2-3 units/day for a women are the recommended levels.
Your liver processes 30 ml of pure alcohol in 30 minutes. Your body takes about 3 hours to break the alcohol down in a standard drinks e.g. a pint (568 ml) of beer or a large (250 ml ) glass of wine.
 alcohol units  in 250 ml wine

beer & lager
units in 1 pint 586ml
 4.3%  Guinness
5.2% Stella Artois
7% e.g.  Carlsberg
8% e.g. Crucial Brew
9% e.g. Tennents

Alcohol forces your kidney to lose more fluid and it has the effect of making your sweat more, so you could become dehydrated easier.  Dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, sickness, tiredness or heat exhaustion.
Alcohol interferes with balance, coordination and judgment, numbs your senses and slows down your reactions making it more difficult to get your-self out of trouble. These effects are intensified by sun exposure and heat. Reduced judgment caused by alcohol increases the risk of injury. Alcohol causes a loss of inhibitions and leads to reckless behaviour.  Any way you could put yourself in danger during hot weather activity even if you don't drink alcohol.
Smart choice if you drink alcohol-free refreshments like smoothies, here is a recipe:
2 slices of watermelon,
1 freshly squeezed lemon juice,
2cm length of ginger and

Drink plenty of water or soft drinks in between alcoholic drinks to prevent dehydration. The main idea is that try to avoid alcoholic drink during a hot day.