Saturday 18 February 2017

A Diet for Candida Albicans Yeast Intolerance

Description: hare this article on FacebookCandida Albicans is one of the six flourishing yeasts in a human body. They feed on sugar, starch, and carbohydrates found in the body to sustain themselves. It is usually grow well in the digestive system of a person. The friendly bacteria helps keep in check the Candida yeasts in our body to maintain the level of good and bad bacteria. When the friendly bacteria are lessened due to some factors such as antibiotics, stress, and fatigue, the level of Candida yeasts in our body becomes abnormal, which results to an inequity between the good and bad bacteria. So the person suffers the Candida yeast intolerance.
The Candida yeast intolerance, or more commonly known as Candidiasis, can lead to various infections and complications in the human body.
The diet for Candida yeast intolerance: This diet is designed to get rid of the Candida overgrowth in the body, thus, the diet is free from sugar, starch, and yeasts for this purpose. It is certain that a Candida Diet does not include any of the following foods:
· Yeast, in any forms (including bread)
· Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and butter
· Sweeteners, including sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, sucralose, and the likes
· Fruits, in any form (fresh, canned, frozen, or dried)
· Vinegar and vinegar products, such as mayo, mustard, and salsa
· Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils
· Spicy seasonings, such as chili, pepper, and cinnamon
· Chocolate
· Coffee
· Fruit juice
The following  the foods  are included in the Candida Diet are:
· Whole grains
· Whole grain oatmeal and pasta
· Eggs
· Vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones
· Meat protein, such as fresh (uncured) pork, fish, beef, and poultry
· Vegetable oils, the ones which are not unrefined and must be kept in a refrigerator

Keeping this diet will help Candida yeast intolerance.

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