Thursday 24 September 2015

My book: Gluten The Enemy is published and it will be available on Amazon soon.
In this book the expert Ms H gives advice for gluten free lifestyle.

About the book:
There are many books available on gluten-free diets, but this is unique, written by a mother who shares her 38 years of experience of bringing up a coeliac child. Ms H, also a qualified Diet and Nutritional Advisor, provides practical advice and recipes for patients suffering from gluten allergy, and their families.

This book covers

  • ·      gluten intolerance
  • ·      the importance of a gluten-free diet
  • ·      starting a gluten-free diet
  • ·      the nutrients
  • ·      how to calculate the daily calorie intake for a healthy body
  • ·      how to make an eating plan
  • ·      how to cook dishes using natural ingredients
  • ·      recipes of a wide variety of gluten-free dishes.

It is a valuable handbook written for people leading a gluten-free lifestyle. 

Saturday 19 September 2015

Very good advice on yogic diet 

Yoga and Diet for a Healthy Life Style   

by Julie Wilcox

Yoga advocates a holistic approach to our way of living. It follows five principles such as proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet and meditation. It's essential to draw out a healthy and wholesome diet plan which complements our body and mind while involved in yoga routines.
In order to better understand yogic approach to diet, a yoga practitioner must first familiarize with the three Gunas or qualities of nature. In general, yoga practitioners adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet. They are well aware of the fact that food rich in life energy or €Prana' is highly vital for the body.
Here are a few pointers summarized from several online nutrition programs:
1. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and grains occupy the top strata of the €food chain' or €food cycle'. They contain essential nutrients in varying proportions and are easy to digest, adding more value to the body's metabolism.
2. Dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds provide vegetarians with an adequate supply of protein.
3. Yogis recommend plenty of sun foods, ground foods and earth food to be included in yogic diet.
- Sun foods are mostly fruits that grow more than 3 feet above the ground and absorb maximum energy from the sun.
- Ground foods like rice, beans and leafy vegetables grow within 3 feet above the ground and are rich in fibre content and nutritive value.
- Earth foods like onion, garlic and ginger grow below the ground level and are used as ancient forms of medicine due to their healing properties.
4. It's quite helpful for a yoga practitioner to maintain a diet journal wherein you make note of everything you eat on a daily basis. This will ultimately help you make better decisions on where you going astray and how you can plan your diet healthier.

Yoga for beginners encourages a gradual change in dieting habits. It guides beginners to substitute meat products with larger portions of vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts until eventually they move towards a strict vegetarian diet.
Most online diet programs are devised out of yogic diet that helps you gain strength, endurance and flexibility while staying in shape. In yogic practices, food is considered as an integral part of body-mind building. It's broadly classified into Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic food and each type of food caters to different need of a person.
€ Sattvic food gives clarity and lightness. It includes most fruits and vegetables, sun foods and ground foods.
€ Rajasic food instils forcefulness and will-power. Herbs, spices and most of the earth foods are rajasic in nature.
€ Tamasic food must be avoided or included in moderate amounts in a healthy diet according to Vedic scriptures. It promotes sluggish behaviour, disrupting the immune system of the body. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, alcohol and intoxicating drugs belong to this food category.
Most of the times it becomes difficult to maintain a balanced diet owing to work schedules, travel, exposure to stress and pollution. This leads to loss of appetite, chronic indigestion and other health problems. A healthy and balanced diet helps cleanse the body, remove toxins and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Lively school lunch ideas

Packing safe and healthy school lunches   

by Mary Kenkel

Packing a safe and nutritious lunch for your youngsters to take to school can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help.
1. Wash lunchboxes every night. Use a baking soda and hot water solution once a week or as necessary to eliminate odors and keep lunchboxes and food containers smelling clean and fresh. If the smell persists, let the container soak overnight in the baking soda and water mixture.
2. Use only new, clean brown bags and don't reuse bags that have been used for shopping or to carry groceries. If a bag is wet or stained, don't use it.
3. Wash fruits and vegetables before packing them up for lunch. Clean fruits and vegetables, including those with skins and rinds that are not eaten, by rinsing them under running tap water. Dry thoroughly with a paper towel.

4. If washing up at a sink before lunch isn't an easy option for your child, include disposable hand wipes or hand gel to use for cleaning hands before eating.
5. Make sure that your kids know to throw out any uneaten food left over from their lunch.

6. Pack sandwiches and salads that include cooked foods, such as turkey, ham, chicken, and vegetable or pasta salads, the night before to allow for thorough chilling in the refrigerator overnight. Chill any non-cooked but perishable food items such as sandwiches overnight and keep everything refrigerated until it's time to leave.
7. If you plan on making the lunches in the morning before the kids head out to school, using frozen bread for sandwiches will help them stay cold longer after being packed.
8. Lunches stay cold longest in insulated, soft-sided lunch bags or boxes. But you can also use paper bags for packing lunches. If you'd rather use paper bags, make sure to double bag to help keep the food cold.
9. Regardless of the type of lunch box or bag used, some sort of cold pack, such as a chilled gel pack or a frozen juice box or water bottle, should be included to keep cold perishable food chilled until lunch time.
10. Use a thermos or insulated food jar to keeps soups, stews and chilis hot. To get the best results from your thermos, fill it with hot water and let it sit for a few minutes before pouring the water out and adding your hot food.
11. Peanut butter and jelly is a kid-friendly lunch favorite and packs well. Deli and lunch meats that are commercially prepared and ready-to-eat, such as corned beef, salami, pastrami and bologna are good choices because they last well.

12. For safety safe, avoid packing lunch items containing mayonnaise or eggs if refrigeration isn't available and, avoid sending soups or chilies made with a cream or milk base.
13. If refrigeration isn't available, consider foods that are safe without being chilled, such as hard cheeses, nuts, granola and trail mix, canned meat and fish, whole fruits and vegetables, chips and pretzels, bagel chips, muffins, bagels, breads, cookies and crackers, peanut butter, jelly, ketchup, mustard, and pickles.
14. Remember that it's recommended that kids eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. So, add at least one piece of fruit or a serving of vegetable to each lunch you pack. Fruit is always tasty and sweet. Try packing a fruit salad, a banana, a pear, grapes or any other whole fruit.
15. Kids love baby-cut carrots, celery sticks, cucumber spears, and broccoli florets, especially with ranch dressing for dipping. And, apple slices served with peanut butter makes a great after-school snack.
16. Steer your kids towards the lower fat options in snacks. Instead of potato chips or corn chips, pack snack size bags of pretzels, veggie chips or bagel chips. Muffins are often a lower fat alternative to cupcakes.
17. If your kids like fruit drinks, make sure that they're getting 100% fruit juice. Beverages labeled as "drink", "beverage" or "cocktail" aren't 100% juice and these products usually contain added sweeteners and flavors. And, while fruit juice contains some of the healthy nutrients of whole fruit, fruit juice lacks the fiber found in fresh fruit. For that reason, whole fruits are nutritionally a better option than juice.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Eat out with toddler

Dining Out With Your Children   

by George Chatzopoulos

Dining out with your family can be fun, but it can also be difficult if you have younger children joining you at the table at an eatery like Chip's Family Restaurant. There are a few simple steps you can do before the meal to prepare your little ones for a nice and fun dining experience.
Before you head off to the restaurant, talk with your children about dining etiquette and how they should behave in a restaurant. Let them know that at home it's okay to be silly and loud at times at the dinner table, but in public, they should act more respectful and quiet. Explain that there are others dining around them and it's important to let them have peace and quiet. Dinner is a time for people to converse and chat about the day's events and at a restaurant, this gives others the chance to do this quietly. You can also explain that people are enjoying a cooked meal by someone else and it's an important time to relax from the day's events and stresses. Let your children choose what they want to wear for going out to dinner. You can turn this into a special occasion and make a big deal out of it. They can dress up, dress down, or go in costume. Another great thing to do is let your child choose where you will be dining at. Letting them feel like they have some control will make them feel grown-up and they may end up behaving well out in public. 

Allow your child to be part of choosing what they will eat for their meal. They can opt to try something new and exciting or go with the same old fare. They will think that it is exciting and adult-like to browse through a large menu and then pick out whatever they desire. You should come prepared with a few tricks up your sleeve if you're kids get really bored or if the meal is taking too long to be served to your table. A good set of coloring books and markers will keep them occupied for a while. You can even bring books and little toys that they can quietly play with while you wait. It may not be a bad idea to go to a restaurant that is loud, vibrant, and full of music, because your kids may love the sights and sounds and the background noise can drown out any other wild sounds they are making. If the thought of sitting there for more than an hour makes your kids squeamish, take them out of the restaurant or for a little stroll through the facility. They can look at other patrons, decor on the walls, and even take a trip to the bathroom for a mini-rest.
No matter where you dine, a place like Chip's Family Restaurant can give you and your children an enjoyable atmosphere and feast for a special night out as family that even your tiny tots will love being a part of.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Healthy dinner ideas 

Healthy Dinner Recipes are a Wise Choice   

by Kieth Hayden

Healthy Dinner Recipes are Best

Everyone knows how important it is to have a healthy diet. And everyone wants their family to be healthy. So why don't we eat the way we are supposed to eat? We will now look at some of the causes for the less than healthy options we often choose and some alternative healthy dinner recipes.

In today's society, we are always on the go - working, running errands, driving our children to and from school and extracurricular activities; the list is endless. Fast food is an easy choice but an unhealthy one despite how much time at may save. We need to turn to healthy dinner recipes that don't take a lot of time to prepare.

There are literally thousands of cookbooks on the market and many of them have exactly what we need: quick and healthy dinner recipes. Unless you're going to grow all your own food you're going to have to learn how to shop smart at the grocery store. Most supermarkets have an area where they sell roasted chicken and deli meats such as sliced turkey. These can be the main ingredients in healthy dinner recipes. Grab a loaf of healthy whole grain bread, a bag of apples, and a gallon of milk and you have something much better for you than a quarter pound hamburger with greasy fries.

What about a sit-down restaurant? You can stuff yourself for as little as $10 plus tax and tip. Your choice of mouthwatering steak, perfectly prepared potatoes, tender passed as, and pastries or cakes right out of a fine living magazine. When you look at their fantastic dinner menu you may want to think about what all the sugar, cholesterol and fat will do to your body.

As far as cost goes: it doesn't cost $12 a person to eat at home. You can probably feed your entire family healthy dinner recipes for what a single meal would cost in the restaurant. There is no time-saving to restaurant eating either. How long does it take to drive to the restaurant, wait for a table, wait for the food to be prepared, eat and drive home? A moments thought will convince you that you can enjoy healthy dinner recipes at home at less cost both in time and money.

Choosing Healthy Dinner Recipes

- Use recipes that contain low-fat ingredients like fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meat, whole grains and skim milk.

- Remember that the fresher the better. Fresh frozen is fine to.

- Organic foods are grown without the use of pesticides and hormones and are the best food for your body.

All your choices should be made with the goal of providing yourself and your family with the best ingredients forhealthy dinner recipes you can.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Cooking a protein rich dish 

Cooking Healthy Food For Your Relatives and buddies   

by Katey Venice

There are quite a few recipes on healthy and at the exact same time delicious food that we can cook appropriate in the comfort of our kitchen.

Whilst there are numerous individuals who believe in the goodness of eating raw fruit and vegetables, there are times when we want to cook them so we can get the greatest out of them. Even so, not each fruit or vegetable or lean meat can be cooked in oil. There are numerous other approaches of cooking healthy food aside from frying them in vegetable or corn oil. We can also steam them, stew them or cook them inside a microwave oven.

Steaming healthy food will demand you to use a unique pot that has a sieve on top. It need to also have a lid that can be tightly closed. Stewing will involve cooking healthy food on a stove with the use of a closed pot. Or you can also use an oven by means of stewing healthy food inside a pot covered with foil. And possibly the easiest way to cook healthy food is by way of the use of a microwave oven.

There are a number of other techniques for cooking for very good well being and there are also numerous recipes that will permit you to cook and eat healthy food. What is important is you are able to nourish oneself with significantly required nutrients although keeping your palate satisfied.

n today's society there is a lot much more emphasis placed on wellness than in numerous years past. Individuals are nicely educated about what is, and what is not, very good for their everyday wellness. Cooking healthy is one way to supply optimum wellness for your self and those family members and pals you adore. Knowing what foods are very good for you is only the very first step. You should also know how to prepare those foods in the healthiest way doable.

Healthy cooking can boost your overall wellness by lowering fat in the arteries which could lead to blockage. Lowering this fat will aid maintain arteries open and will keep the blood flowing at an optimum rate. Reducing fat also assists to promote a lean body physique rather of a fat one. Men and women who are lean will generally really feel better, appear greater, and have a lot more power than individuals who are carrying excess pounds.

Healthy cooking does not necessarily have to mean tasteless cooking. You can substitute olive oil for other oils that are greater in fat. Olive oil gives additional flavor as properly as helping to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol the body retains. Cutting back heavily on the amount of fatty oils employed will also aid the body control cholesterol levels. The use of fresh herbs can provide a ton of flavor without causing the body to retain water or raise blood pressure. With a little experimentation you may well discover you in fact prefer fresh herbs to salt.

The benefits of healthy cooking do not all relate to the foods we cook. The appropriate cookware can give you with numerous healthy choices. There are numerous firms right now that are producing what is identified as "grease much less and waterless" cookware. This kind cookware is generally created of heavy stainless steel and has a lid that locks when steam begins to build.

Friday 11 September 2015

Lifestyle Apps 

Making Lifestyle Apps for Your iPhone   

by Luisas Vanoff

There are a lot of available apps for business and games, so definitely there should be apps for every person's lifestyle. The way a person lives his or her life is called his or her lifestyle. Lifestyle is composed of the habits, attitudes, economic levels, and moral standards which defines a person's way of living. Putting together a person's habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions result in a set of behaviors and practices.
The iPhone is now a part of one's lifestyle. This gadget may bring changes and enhancements to your lifestyle depending on how you use it. The development of many different lifestyle applications is what makes this possible. There are many different applications for topics such as religion, antiques, food, holidays, fashion, gardening, and even consumer advice. Let us check out what these possibilities are all about.
For a lot of people, religion is one incorrigible aspect of their lives. Choosing to use apps for religious rituals can be helpful in improving performance. One possible application is an app which updates you about the latest activities and happenings in your church. Some functions include reminders for the upcoming activities, as well as tips and advice on how you can effectively participate. Your apps may even give you directions on how to go to the nearest church based on your location. Religious quotes and their meanings may be provided by some apps, while some will remind you of prayer times.

If you have the passion for cooking, there are also lots of apps available for you. Nutritional and caloric values are also listed for each dish, aside from the ingredients and the procedure for cooking and preparation. Some provide a list of the best chefs in town and play videos of how they prepare their dishes. Recipes found on apps can be read, stored, and shared in just a few clicks.
If you are a pet lover, iPhone apps can also be useful for you. Information such as pet friendly establishments, pet news, pet videos, and pet stores are now accessible. The nearest veterinarian may also be located using an app.
Those who are in the pet business (kennels, walkers, sitters, groomers, etc.) will definitely benefit from these apps.
Documenting your daily activities and thoughts may also be done using iphone app maken. Text, photos, drawings, and lists of transactions may be noted. You may also monitor your finances, income, and expenses using apps. Data input may be shared via email or saved as images. Using iphone app ontwikkeln, social networking sites can now be easily updated. It is now easier to browse through content and categories. You may opt to set a password for your apps.

Thursday 10 September 2015


Healthy Diet for Healthy Life   

by Priyanka Sharmai

For healthy life it is very necessary to maintain a healthy diet. Healthy diet is to eat the right food in the right amount. Taking in all the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, proteins, fat and antioxidants in just the right quantity as required by body. There is a trend to be slim and fit these days and it is done by not eating food and doing vigorous exercise, which is not good for health.
One must consult a good dietician before starting some diet and check beforehand if it is really beneficial for the body or not. Atkins diet is one such diet that is not only based on natural food ingredients but also wouldn't deny your body of the required nutrition. The Atkins diet involves limited consumption of carbohydrates to switch the body's metabolism from metabolizing glucose as energy over to converting stored body fat to energy.
So instead of relying on the carbohydrate-rich items you might typically consume for energy, and leaving your fat stores just where they were before (alas, the hips, belly, and thunder thighs are popular fat-gathering spots), your fat stores become a primary energy source. The purported result: weight loss.

According to the Atkins theory, if the body keeps on making "too much" insulin -- as it tries to deal with the "excess" sugar -- it may become less responsive to insulin and eventually may develop the metabolic disorder diabetes. The Atkins theory states that this should properly be called "unstable blood sugar" since the blood sugar level rises and then drops quickly.
Atkins diet plan urges its user to leave white rice and white flour, white bread along with refined sugar and replace them with wholegrain flour, brown rice, brown bread and crude form of sugar which are more beneficial for body. Atkins diet for weight loss program is based on science of body and helps you lose that flab even without leaving food and nutrition.
For good health not just food and vegetables but oil should also be healthy. Like olive oil, canola oil also has its benefits for health and is distinctly healthier than other vegetables oil. Taken out of rapeseeds, canola oil is not only high in energy but also has high ratio of more mono-unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids which makes it healthy for consumption.
€ Canola oil has highest smoke point oil is also an ideal choice for deep frying because it can be heated to a higher temperature (smoke point -450 °F). This results in lower oil retention in the fried foods.
€ It has high levels of plant sterols that can lower the cholesterol level and keeping blood pressure at moderate level, hence make the heart pumpingly fit.
€ Canola oil has ample amount of Vitamin E, which is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen free radicals.
€ It also contains Linoleic (omega-6) and alpha-Linoleic acid (omega-3) that are essential fatty acids.
Thus maintaining proper healthy diet and eating fresh food will help in keeping body completely fit and strong.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

more about hormones 

Hormone Balance   

by L Kersley

Hormones within the body are produced by the endocrine glands and controlled by the endocrine system. They function as chemical messengers using the bloodstream to target specific organs within the body. The body contains several endocrine glands that can be seen in diagram one. As can be seen both male and female bodies contain the same secreting glands with the exception of the reproductive organs. The male produces hormones from the testes whereas the female produces hormones from their ovaries.
Hormones function with a key and lock type function, this gives them great advantage as they can circulate throughout the bloodstream and only target the specific organ. This means that the body can produce very small quantities of these hormones and still have significant effects. These messenger hormones send signals to cells which modifies there activity in response to messages from the brain.
As these hormones can significantly alter the function of cells within the body with such a small concentration they must be tightly regulated. The body achieves this by using negative feedback loops i.e. when levels of the hormone have achieved their desired effect the body turns this signal off.
The endocrine system is made of 8 separate organs which are distributed throughout the body, however they are all tightly controlled and interrelated through this process of feedback loops. The protein hormones will interact with cell surface receptors that trigger conformational change within the cell that triggers a cascade of activity resulting in cell activity. Where as Steroid hormones can pass through the cell wall and initiate cell activity directly. This allows steroid hormones to function much more rapidly.

Because these systems are so complex minor errors within these signalling loops can have major consequences. There are several reasons for errors occurring, each individual has unique DNA, this means that each person will have slight differences in their DNA so that when DNA is translated to RNA and then transcribed to synthesis proteins not everyone is the same. In general these slight changes to not make a huge difference however in some cases these can have a monumental effect on the individual.
When this happens an imbalance in hormones occurs, which can give rise to several to different disorders ranging from diabetes to gigantism. To date over 7,000 endocrine disorders have been describe that are caused by imbalances in a hormone pathway. Currently many treatments are available for these conditions however because researchers are trying to carry out a delicate balancing act it can often push the disorder to the other extreme. Thankfully with more DNA exact treatment becoming available it may soon be possible to tailor a therapy to an individuals disorder. The only draw back appears to be the use of human stems cells in this field of research which slows down all research in this field due to the unpopularity of this technique. In other articles on this site a more in-depth look at stem cell research will be carried out and try to dispel some of the many myths that surround this topic.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Really healthy back to school lunch 

healthy lunch ideas   

by Michelle Monjack

So starting a new healthy eating regime is a very positive way to change your lifestyle and by maintaining it will provide you with low risk health issues and amazing physical attributes. As like many healthy eating plans or diet plans, exercise is the best tool to use along side of any healthy lifestyle plans. Knowing which foods are best for you to utilise and keep you satisfied is a good way of organising your intake of nutrients through the day ahead.
Healthy lunch ideas are a must as it is lunch time that could sway your mind to give in to matter. In other words you must of heard people say, its mind over matter. Well this is true with some people at lunch time when they have worked all morning, whether at home or the office, and they have given in to their grumbling stomachs by 12 o’clock with something stodgy and full of carbs and fats.

Choosing your own healthy lunch ideas to stop your stomach getting the better of you is a must for those of you finding it really hard to say ‘no thanks’ to the deli cart. Fish is a very good source of brain food, so when you need a fix of focus and a dash of determination for the day ahead, fish like salmon and tuna is an option that will serve more benefits than you think.
Mixing up such fish with fresh peppers, onions and sweetcorn adds crunch to tuna, making sure that you don’t ruin it by using dollops of heavy fat mayo. Light mayo is a must and only using a tsp will not defeat the object of your healthy lunch ideas. [] Rye bread can be used as a substitute for white bread. Red salmon from a can and a couple of dashes of white malt vinegar has bite and could be mixed together with salad leaves of your choice, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, again if mayo is needed use the light version.
Bread is a quick and easy option for lunch time, but you are wanting to keep it healthy so why not try substituting thick white sliced bread for granary or whole meal breads. Butter doesn’t have to be full of fat either, try the olive oil based butters and perhaps only butter thinly one slice of your sandwich. Healthy lunch ideas does not mean that you have to take out everything that tastes great and start eating rabbit foods, it basically means replacing significant fatty foods like fast foods with lighter options and also by making little adjustments to your home prepared lunch menu’s like the healthier butter on only one slice of the sandwich.
Sharing out your calories for the day with a heartier slow release breakfast (poached eggs on one slice of granary toast, or oats) which can last you through to your light lunch (fish and rye breads) and then having your main meal in the evening will keep you well balanced.
Good balance at every meal time is mandatory and making sure you maintain healthy lunch ideas will keep you from the fatty snacks that you don’t want to give in to throughout the afternoon.