Sunday 27 November 2016

6 Steps To Make Your Cholesterol Level Lower Naturally
The increasing number of people with high cholesterol issues, along with the side effects of its medications, has begged an answer to the question "How to reduce cholesterol naturally?". Unsurprisingly, your lifestyle plays a vital role in increasing and decreasing cholesterol levels. Altering the way you live in certain ways can help you lower your cholesterol naturally, without the use of medications and prescriptions. Even if medication is necessary, a healthy lifestyle enhances the effect of your medication to reduce cholesterol faster and maintain its level.
Here are 6 steps to follow:
STEP 1 - Cut Down On Your Body Fat
Having extra fat in your body is just not recommended for cholesterol patients. Carrying even just a little excess weight can contribute detrimentally to your cholesterol health. Even a small decrease of 5 to 10 pounds of excess weight can have significant effects.
The very first aspect of losing weight is to honestly analyze your eating habits and daily routine. If you eat when you are frustrated or bored, try to divert your mind and take a walk instead. If your lunch and breakfast consist of fast food, strike it off from your lifestyle and pack something healthier from home. Watching television does not mean munching on potato chips, but instead you can try munching on carrot sticks.
Try to include more physical activity into your daily routine such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
STEP 2 - Eat Healthy Food
If you have been on an unhealthy diet for years, making a few changes in your diet can drastically reduce your cholesterol level. After all, cholesterol levels are substantially dependent on what you do and do not eat.
Healthy fats: the saturated fat found in red meat or dairy products can increase your cholesterol level by increasing the bad cholesterol in your body. It is recommended that you should not take in more than 10% of your daily calories from saturated fat. This is why you should choose low-fat dairy products and leaner cuts of meat. You can also switch to olive, canola and peanut oils for cooking.
STEP 3 - Avoid Trans Fats

Trans fat can be found in fried foods and many store-bought products such as crackers, cookies and snack cakes. Do not believe the labels on the packaging that claim the product is 'trans fat-free' as they might only be half truths. Instead, you can choose to look at the ingredients list and determine if those ingredients are high in cholesterol or not.
STEP 4 - Do Not Exceed The Daily Cholesterol Limit
A normal person can take up to 300 mg of cholesterol per day. If you have a heart disease or other cardiovascular problems you should only take less than 200 mg. Cholesterol levels are highly concentrated in foods such as egg yolk, cheese, processed meat, shrimps etc. Try to avoid such high cholesterol foods to keep within the recommended boundaries.
STEP 5 - Eat More Fruits And Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre which helps you to increase your metabolism rate and cuts down fat. Fibre also prevents the build up of cholesterol particles in your arteries. However, one must remember that dried fruit tends to have more calories than fresh fruit. Also, try to include more vegetables in your diet on a daily basis.
STEP 6 - Increase Your Physical Activities
Exercise always plays a vital role in general fitness and reducing your cholesterol level naturally. Exercising does not mean that you need to force yourself into high-intensity workouts. Simple moderate workouts done frequently can help you drastically. Choose exercises that keep your heart functioning faster like jogging, running, swimming and cycling.
High cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Medications are certainly available to help you reduce your cholesterol levels but if you try to alter your lifestyle with these steps, you will be surprised with the results. This way you can stay away from all those terrible side effects that medicines can cause.
Want to learn more about how to make your cholesterol lower naturally []? Visit my website at [] for helpful tips and information on reducing cholesterol.

Friday 11 November 2016

Tips for Preparing for Flu Season

Autumn is here, and hopefully you are out enjoying yourself in the crisp air and taking part in all of the seasonal festivities. In order to keep having fun all fall and winter long, it is important to remember that this wonderful autumn air also means that flu season is just around the corner. Taking certain simple precautions to protect yourself and your family can make all of the difference in keeping yourself well this year. Here are some important steps that you can take to prepare for flu season and stay healthy.
Eat and Drink for Health
One of the simplest steps we can take to ward off the flu is a practice everyone should ideally adhere to all year round: choose a healthy diet that will help your body to maintain a strong immune system. This does not really require any special or complicated diet. The basics are to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and to eat a diet that is healthy and balanced. Food choices that may be particularly beneficial will include lots of fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants carry many benefits, and are becoming more and more known to the public. One of these wonderful benefits is they can work as immune boosters, helping you and your family to have a healthier life overall.
Avoid Germs
There are many steps you can take to limit your contact with germs. Some of these may be more obvious than others, but if you begin a mindful routine of keeping yourself and the objects you come into contact with sanitized now, you will likely have formed good habits by the time flu season is in full swing. Proper hand washing is a hugely important practice. Many people know that they should wash their hands, but are not necessarily washing properly. To really benefit you should wash in warm, soapy water for between 30 to 60 seconds. It may help you to keep track of the time if you get into the habit of singing a song like the ABC's as you wash, and this will definitely help young children with washing their hands. In public places, try to wipe off surfaces like doorknobs with sanitizing wipes, if possible, as the flu virus can live up to 48 hours on hard surfaces. A good alternative is to use a hand sanitizer after touching these surfaces, but remember not to eat or touch food immediately afterwards. Wait a few minutes first so the sanitizer has time to kill the flu germs.

Get a Flu Shot
Though you should definitely follow every step to keep yourself healthy, the method of protection that is by far the most effective is getting a flu vaccination. The flu shot is recommended for almost anyone over six months of age, with a few exceptions, including people with severe allergies to chicken eggs or a history of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. If you do decide to get a seasonal flu shot, be sure to get it as early in the season as you possibly can, because its effectiveness only really kicks in by developing the right antibodies in your body about two weeks after the shot is administered.
Neville Street is the Administrative Director for Rodriquez MD, a bilingual medical practice in Lawrenceville, GA that provides health care to infants, children, adolescents and adults. Lawrenceville doctors Deborah and Veronica Rodriguez are sisters with a combined 27 years of experience. The doctors are Board Certified in Family Medicine and Internal Medicine and both Gwinnett physicians have extensive experience working in private practice.
For more information visit:

Monday 7 November 2016

Hot Drinks for the Winter Months
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Winter is upon us and we are thirsty all the time. What do we drink on a cold winter's day? Some drink coffee, some tea and then there are some who prefer hot chocolate, cocoa, Milo or hot custard.
It is indeed important to stock upon the right hot drinking products this winter. Many people prefer to drink tea on cold winter days, of which there are many varieties. As a wholesaler and retailer it's important to stock up on all kinds of teas like Joko, Trinco, Five roses, Eleven o'clock, Glen and Fresh Pak. Some of these teas are available in rooibos and green tea flavours. All these teas come in packs of twenties, forties, eighties and hundreds. Some have tags and others are tagless tea bags. Some say it's only the much older people that love to drink tea but that remains untrue. Most teas are preferred by all ages including Rooibos tea for babies.
Stocking up on coffee is also a very good idea; it too comes in different varieties and flavours. Some coffee granules are stronger in flavour than others. It's just another nice hot drink item to stock up on for the cold winter months ahead. Coffee comes in small, medium and large tins and sometimes in refill packs. For the mild coffee lovers Frisco is a good option and for a stronger tasting coffee you can stock up on Ricoffy, FG Coffee and Trekker. Trekker coffee is very strong and not many people prefer it but it's just good to stock up on it for the day when someone might look for it.

Not everybody loves tea or coffee because of its caffeine content. Some prefer a cup of hot cocoa, Milo, hot chocolate or even hot Moirs or Hinds custard. These wholesale products are usually available in tins or packets. The custard is not only used for baking but can also be consumed as a nightcap when it's cold. Many people enjoy hot milk which can also be used to mix these drinks with. These items are normally bought in bulk by consumers who own bakeries or larger households because it is easy to make and tastes amazing.
Buying all these basic winter drinks products will boost your sales and more customers will visit your store. It is also important to taste all these hot drinks products to make sure that you know what you buy and can answer any questions that the customer may have. The warm drinks that you stock in your in your general retail store will keep your customers warm during these cold winter days.
J&E Cash 'n Carry is one of South Africa's biggest wholesalers in the following categories of products: Cosmetics, Groceries, Sweets, Personal Care, Household, Health, Beauty, Baby, Hardware, Electric & Stationery. We supply traders only, and offer the highest standards of service, the cheapest deals, and the best buying experience.
Visit our website and call us on 012 327 5000 or email

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